The Japanese name of Golden Rod means frothy grass. The small flowers burst into bloom, like bubbles when brewing sake.
【英名】Golden Rod
【学名】Solidago altissima
【誕生】10/ 01, 11/ 02
【開花】10, 11月

Golden Rod
Golden Rod is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. The place of origin is the central and northern part of the North American continent, and the local English name means “golden whip”. It was introduced to Japan for ornamental purposes in the Meiji period, and after the Second World War, seeds mixed with imported goods proliferated and spread throughout the country. It grows in colonies in sunny fields.
The Japanese name of Golden Rod means frothy grass. The small flowers burst into bloom, like bubbles when brewing sake. The Latin species name Altissima means “very tall”. It foams when put in a bathtub because the stems and leaves contain saponin.
The plant height of Golden Rod is usually around 2 meters, and around 4 meters in fertile land. The leaves are needle-shaped and alternate, and the short hairs grow densely throughout. The flowers are about 5 tubular neutral flowers, surrounded by about 10 tongue-shaped female flowers. It blooms densely on the main axis and lateral branches of the spike. After flowering, it forms a capsule, and the pappus-bearing seeds are scattered by the wind.
“Solidago gigantea”, which is closely related to Golden Rod, is also native to North America. Flowering time is early from July to September, plant height is about half, and hairless overall. “Solidago virgaurea” is even shorter. It spread earlier than Golden Rod, but it was swept away by Golden Rod and declined.
Golden Rod secretes a substance from its rhizome that suppresses the growth of surrounding plants, and has an “Allelopathy” that overwhelms native plants such as pampas grasses. However, the substance ironically suppresses its own growth. In addition, due to feeding damage by Corythucha marmorata, the power has declined, and the native plants are making a comeback.
Golden Rod has a large amount of nectar and pollen, making it a valuable source of nectar for beekeepers in winter. The honey has a musky odor, which makes it unpopular in Japan but popular in North America. Stems and leaves have a grassy smell even when boiled, and are not suitable for eating. However, due to its high nutritional value, it is attracting attention as a pasture grass for cattle.