Pinkladies is a genus Oenothera that blooms only at night like “evening primrose”, and rarely blooms at night and day. The flower language is “comfort” and “poetic love.”
【仮名】ヒルザキツキミソウ, ヒルザキモモイロツキミソウ
【和名】昼咲月見草, 昼咲桃色月見草
【英名】Pinkladies, Showy Evening Primrose
【学名】Oenothera speciosa
【誕生】07/ 07, 09/ 02
【開花】05, 06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink
Pinkladies is a perennial herb of the family Onagraceae. The place of origin is North America, and it was imported to Japan for ornamental purposes at the end of the Taisho era. It was cultivated in various places, escaped, and was naturalized. The stem has short white hair, and the lower part is woody. The leaves are lanceolate, with shallow serrations on the edges and alternate. The flower language is “comfort” and “poetic love.”
The origin of the name of Pinkladies is the genus Oenothera, which blooms only at night like “evening primrose”, and rarely blooms at night and day. The Latin genus name Oenosera means “Beast’s liquor”. It has a wine-like scent at its roots and is preferred by wild beasts. The species name Speciosa means “gorgeous”.
The flowers of Pinkladies have 4 petals, 8 male stamens, and a cross-shaped female stamens. The buds swell facing down and the flowers bloom facing up. The petals are white at the beginning of bloom, pink at the end of bloom, and yellow at the base. However, some have pink petals from the beginning of bloom, and are also known as “Rose-colored Pinkladies”.
The appearance of “Oenothera tetraptera”, which is closely related to Pinkladies, is similar. The flowers of Pinkladies are white or pink and bloom in the daytime. although it hardly bears fruit after flowering, it is very wild. On the other hand, Oenothera tetraptera has pure white flowers and blooms only at night, and when it withers, it turns pink. Although the fruit after flowering is easy to bear fruit, it is not very wild.