Roses are a symbol of love and prosperity. In ancient Greece, it is a flower that means love, joy, beauty, and innocence. In Europe, brides have a bouquet of roses at weddings.
【誕生】01/ 01, 02/ 06, 02/ 14, 02/ 22, 04/ 16, 06/ 19, 07/ 17, 07/ 29, 12/ 15
【開花】05, 06, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange

Roses are shrubs of the Rosaceae family. It originated in Central Asia, and propagated from the Middle East to Europe in the west, from China and Japan to North America in the east. Breedings have progressed from the original species of all over the world, and in 1867 the first four-season flowering variety “La France” was bred. The varieties before that are called old roses, and the varieties after that are called modern roses.
The name of Bara: rose is derived from “Ibara: thorn” which means “vine with thorns”. In Japan, the original species “multiflora”, “wichuraiana” and “rugosa” grow naturally. “Sobi” is a Chinese name, and the original species “banksiae” and “chinensis” came from China during the Edo period. The English name Rose is derived from the Celtic word “rhodd” which means “red”.
The types of roses are single-flowered, half-double-flowered, double-flowered, flat-flowered, cup-flowered, rosette-flowered, quarter-flowered, pompon-flowered, sword-valve high-core, half-sword-flowered, and round-petaled. It blooms in one season, blooms in the flowering season, blooms in return, blooms repeatedly, blooms in four seasons, and has a arboreal, semi-vine, and vine shape.
The rose variety “Rosa damascena” is a special scented species. “Rose water” and “rose oil”, which are made by extracting aroma components from petals with steam, can be used as lotions and perfumes. In addition to raw food, petals are also processed into jam, candied fruit, tea and spices. The fruit “Rosehip” is rich in Vitamin C for beauty and health.
Roses have long been a symbol of love and prosperity. In ancient Greece, it is a flower that means love, joy, beauty, and innocence. In Europe, brides have a bouquet of roses at weddings. In the flower language, red is “love” and “model”, while yellow is “jealousy” and “unfaithful”. Vine roses are “innocent” and “refreshing”, and mini roses are “special achievements”.