スイレン / Water Lily

スイレン / Water Lily Backyard
スイレン / Water Lily


The Latin genus name for Water Lily, Nymphaea, comes from the “water fairy” in Greek mythology. She was abandoned by Hercules, threw herself into the river and turned into Water Lily.

【英名】Water Lily, Hardy Water Lily, Tropical Water Lily
【誕生】05/ 08, 07/ 07, 08/ 05, 08/ 08
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Yellow



温帯スイレン:白色の花 / Hardy Water Lily - white flower
温帯スイレン:白色の花 / Hardy Water Lily – white flower



熱帯スイレン:ジェネラルパーシング / Tropical Water Lily - General Pershing
熱帯スイレン:ジェネラルパーシング / Tropical Water Lily – General Pershing



熱帯スイレン:ブルズアイ / Tropical Water Lily - Bull's Eye
熱帯スイレン:ブルズアイ / Tropical Water Lily – Bull’s Eye



熱帯スイレン:ミッドナイト / Tropical Water Lily - Midnight
熱帯スイレン:ミッドナイト / Tropical Water Lily – Midnight



熱帯スイレン:ペンシルバニア / Tropical Water Lily - Pennsylvania
熱帯スイレン:ペンシルバニア / Tropical Water Lily – Pennsylvania



熱帯スイレン:セントルイスゴールド / Tropical Water Lily - St. Louis Gold
熱帯スイレン:セントルイスゴールド / Tropical Water Lily – St. Louis Gold


Water Lily

温帯スイレン:葉と花 / Hardy Water Lily - leaves and flowers
温帯スイレン:葉と花 / Hardy Water Lily – leaves and flowers

Water Lily is an aquatic perennial in the Nymphaeaceae family. Approximately 50 species are distributed over a wide range of regions, from tropical to temperate zones. It grows wild in rivers and lakes, and is cultivated in ponds and greenhouses. In Japan, only “tetragona”, which blooms with small white flowers, grows wild. The garden variety was introduced in the Meiji period and spread to various places. The language of flowers is “pure heart”, “faith”, and “sweetness”.
The Japanese name of Water Lily is derived from the Chinese name, which means “sleeping Lotus”. This is because the Lotus flowers in the morning, while the Water Lily flowers in the afternoon or evening. The Latin genus name Nymphaea comes from the “water fairy” in Greek mythology. She was abandoned by the hero Hercules and threw herself into the river to become Water Lily.
Water Lily grows petioles and flower stalks from the rhizome. The leaves open at or above the water and are heart- or arrowhead-shaped with deeply lobed bases. The flowers bloom on or above the water, with tepals opening in a spiral. It has four sepals, numerous tepals and stamens, and is pollinated by protogyny. After flowering, it forms a berry, which splits open and scatters seeds when ripe.
Hardy Water Lily is cold tolerant and grows outdoors. The rhizomes grow as if crawling through water. The petioles of the leaves extend to the water surface, and the leaf blades float. Young leaves have brown spots. The flower stalks extend to the surface of the water and float, opening in the afternoon and closing in the evening for about three days. The main species are “alba” and “odorata”.
Tropical Water Lily is sensitive to cold and can be grown in a greenhouse. The rhizome is tuberous and has many projections on its surface. The petioles of the leaves extend above the water, the leaf blades are large, the leaf edges are wavy, and the veins are noticeable. The flowers also have pedicels extending above the water, large corollas, and a wide range of colors and shapes. There are also night-blooming strains that have a strong odor that attracts beetles for pollination.
Lotus, which is aquatic and similar in appearance to Water Lily, is a distantly related member of the Nelumbonaceae family. The underground stems of Lotus are thick and have holes inside and are edible. Both leaves and flowers open above the water level. The leaves are large, round, and water-repellent. The tepals of the flowers fall off one by one, leaving behind a honeycomb-like flower receptacle.
