ニゲラ / Love In A Mist

ニゲラ / Love In A Mist Backyard
ニゲラ / Love In A Mist


The English name of this flower is “Love In A Mist” when it blooms, and “Devil In A Bush” when it scatters. Legend has it that if you stuff the seeds into your pillow, you will have good dreams.

【仮名】ニゲラ, クロタネソウ
【英名】Love In A Mist, Devil In A Bush
【学名】Nigella damascena
【誕生】03/ 08, 03/ 31, 04/ 21, 05/ 29
【開花】05, 06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink, Violet, Blue, Green

Nigella damascena - white flower from the side
Nigella damascena – white flower from the side
Nigella damascena - white flower from an angle
Nigella damascena – white flower from an angle
Nigella damascena - blue flower from the side
Nigella damascena – blue flower from the side
Nigella damascena - blue flower from an angle
Nigella damascena – blue flower from an angle
Nigella damascena - capsule
Nigella damascena – capsule












Love In A Mist

Love In A Mist is an annual plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. It produces fantastic flowers and bears fragrant seeds. The place of origin is the southern part of Europe, and it was brought to Japan in the Edo period. Although the seeds contain the toxic alkaloid damascenine, legend has it that if you chop them up and stuff them into your pillow, you will have good dreams.

The Japanese name of Love In A Mist is “Nigella”, which is derived from the Latin genus name, originally meaning “black”. This is because when the post-flowering capsule ripens, it swells and splits, exposing the black seeds. The English name of this flower is “Love In A Mist” when it blooms, and “Devil In A Bush” when it scatters. This is because the flowers and capsules are covered with filamentous bracts.

Love In A Mist stems are erect and branched at the top. The leaves are pinnately lobed, and the lobes spread like threads and are alternate. The sepals look like petals, and the petals have degenerated into nectaries. The sepals range from 5 for single flowers to 25 for double flowers, with 5 stamens and 5 lobed pistils. It is surrounded by filamentous bracts.

Love In A Mist horticultural variety “Persian Jewel” is a common double-flowered variety. It is distributed in white, pink and blue mixed seeds. “Blue Istanbul” is a single-flowered large-flowered variety. The plant is tall and blooms blue-purple flowers when the common species finishes blooming. “Green Magic” is a variant of green. The sepals are thin pinnate.

Related species of Love In A Mist “Sativa” has been used as a spice from ancient Egypt 3,300 years ago to present-day India. It is also called “Black Cumin” because the seeds have a strong cumin-like scent. In Europe, it was once considered a “medicine for all kinds of ailments other than death”, such as urinary retention, intestinal catarrh, and lung disease.
