Linden Viburnum is a deciduous shrub that grows naturally in the fields and mountains. New shoots and leaves, flowers that look like fine snow, brightly ripening red fruits, and rust-colored autumn leaves add color to the four seasons.
【和名】莢?, 蒲染
【英名】Linden Viburnum, Linden Arrowwood
【学名】Viburnum dilatatum
【誕生】06/ 22, 11/ 24
【開花】05, 06月

Linden Viburnum
Linden Viburnum is a deciduous shrub of the Viburnaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from the southwestern part of Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas, it is distributed in East Asia such as the Korean Peninsula and China. New shoots and leaves, flowers that look like fine snow, brightly ripening red fruits, and rust-colored autumn leaves add color to the four seasons.
The Japanese name Linden Viburnum is believed to have multiple meanings. “Red fruit” from the appearance, “scythe” because the material was used for the handle of agricultural tools, “tortoise” because the shape of the leaf resembles a shell, “sour fruit” from the taste, and “dyeing” because the clothes were dyed with the fruit.
Linden Viburnum has dense hairs on its branches. The leaves are opposite, broadly ovate, and have shallow serrated margins. Both the front and back are hairy and rough. The flowers are small, white, and grow flat and clustered at the tips of the branches. Corolla 5-lobed, stamens 5-lobed, pistil 3-lobed. A scent resembling chestnut flowers wafts far away. After flowering, long globular drupes are formed and red ripening.
A close relative of Linden Viburnum, “Viburnum wrightii” grows naturally in slightly higher places in mountainous areas, and has pointed tips of leaves and silky hairs on the surface. “Viburnum erosum” grow naturally on the Pacific Ocean side west of Kanto, and the leaves have short petioles, narrow widths, and dense short hairs on the surface. “Viburnum phlebotrichum” grows naturally in mountainous regions except Hokuriku, and has few flowers and thin fruits.
Linden Viburnum berries are sweetest when a white powder appears on the surface, attracting birds to eat. Although they have a slightly astringent taste, they can be eaten raw, pickled together to add a red color and sourness to the radish, or pickled in distilled sake to recover from fatigue and diuretic. The wood is strong enough to be used as a handle for agricultural tools, and the strong branches are used to bundle things together.