タバコ / Tobacco

タバコ / Tobacco Backyard
タバコ / Tobacco


Tobacco flowers have five-lobed corollas, five stamens, and two-lobed pistils. They attract moths with their fragrance and entrust the moths with the task of sending and receiving pollen. The flower language is “deep friendship” and “interaction”.

【学名】Nicotiana tabacum
【誕生】08/ 09
【開花】07, 08, 09月



タバコ:花を横から / Tobacco - Flower from the side
タバコ:花を横から / Tobacco – Flower from the side



タバコ:花を正面から / Tobacco - Flower from the front
タバコ:花を正面から / Tobacco – Flower from the front



タバコ:花々を横から / Tobacco - Flowers from the side
タバコ:花々を横から / Tobacco – Flowers from the side



タバコ:花々を上から / Tobacco - Flowers from above
タバコ:花々を上から / Tobacco – Flowers from above



タバコ:葉 / Tobacco - Leaf
タバコ:葉 / Tobacco – Leaf



タバコ:花を斜めから / Tobacco - Flower at an angle
タバコ:花を斜めから / Tobacco – Flower at an angle

Tobacco is an annual or perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. It was bred in the early 16th century by crossing the Nicotiana species tomentosiformis and sylvestris, which grow wild in the Andes Mountains of South America. It spread to Europe as a medicinal and luxury item, and then to Japan. The flower language is “deep friendship” and “interaction”.
The name Tobacco comes from the Arabic word for “medicinal herb”. This name was given to medicinal plants that were introduced to Europe from the Americas. The Latin genus name Nicotiana is a tribute to the French diplomat Jean Nicot. It was called “Nicot’s medicine” because it cured Queen Catherine de Medicis’s headaches.
Tobacco has an upright stem and alternate oval leaves. The leaves are sticky to the touch with glandular hairs. The flowers are tubular with five-lobed corollas, five stamens, and two-lobed pistils. They attract night moths with their fragrance and entrust them with the transfer of pollen. When the capsules ripen, they split open and scatter tiny seeds. However, in leaf tobacco production, the flowers are removed when they begin to bloom.
The Tobacco variety “Bright Yellow” has thick, bright yellow leaves and a sweet, rich fragrance. It is grown in warm regions. “Burley” has thin, brown leaves, a chocolate-like fragrance, and a refreshing stimulant. It is grown in cool regions. “Orient” has small leaves and an elegant fragrance. It is mainly grown in limestone areas.
