The Japanese name of False Sunflower is “Imitation of Jerusalem Artichoke” and the English name is “Fake Sunflower”. However, the orange-yellow shining flowers are genuine “like the sun”.
【仮名】キクイモモドキ, シュッコンヒメヒマワリ, ヘリオプシス
【和名】菊芋擬き, 宿根姫向日葵
【英名】False Sunflower, Smooth Oxeye
【学名】Heliopsis helianthoides
【誕生】08/ 15, 09/ 07
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】Yellow, Orange




False Sunflower

False Sunflower is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. It is native to North America and was introduced to Japan during the Meiji period. Its Japanese name is “Imitation of Jerusalem Artichoke” and its English name is “Fake Sunflower”. However, its orange-yellow shining flowers are genuine “like the sun”. The petals do not fall off easily, so it is not only excellent as a cut flower, but also suitable for dried flowers.
The Japanese name of False Sunflower, “Imitation of Jerusalem Artichoke”, comes from the fact that although the flowers resemble those of Jerusalem Artichoke, they do not produce tubers like Jerusalem Artichoke. The Latin genus name Heliopsis means “like the sun”, and the specific name helianthoides means “like a sunflower”.
False Sunflower does not produce tubers. The aboveground stems grow upright from the underground stems, and then branch out. The leaves are egg-shaped with pointed tips, with roughly sawtoothed edges, and grow opposite each other. The flowers are a cluster of tubular flowers in the center, surrounded by 8 to 15 ray flowers. The tubular flowers have five lobes in the perianth and two lobes in the pistil. After flowering, the ray flowers do not fall off, and an achene forms.
A distant relative of the False Sunflower, Jerusalem Artichoke, is native to North America. It was introduced to Japan during the Edo period and spread as a feed crop. The leaves are egg-shaped and grow opposite each other at the bottom of the stem, while the upper part is lanceolate and grows alternately. The flowers bloom in autumn, with rounded tips on the perianth. The tubers are rich in the polysaccharide inulin. Its use as a functional food is becoming more widespread.