Oleander is extremely poisonous, but it has beautiful single-flowered and double-flowered flowers, and grows well in harsh environments such as dryness and air pollution.
【学名】Nerium oleander
【誕生】08/ 09, 08/ 12
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink

Oleander is an evergreen small tree of the genus Apocynaceae of the family Apocynaceae. The name comes from the fact that the leaves resemble bamboo and the flowers resemble peaches. It is native to India and was introduced to Japan in the middle of the Edo period.
The flower language of oleander is “beware” and “caution”. This is because oleander is highly toxic. Oleandrin, a component found in flowers, leaves, branches, roots and fruits, is 50 times more toxic than potassium cyanide. If it enters the mouth, it may cause vomiting, sweating, diarrhea, arrhythmia, numbness in the extremities, and death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
In France, oleander branches were used on barbecue skewers, killing seven people who ate meat and vegetables soaked in oleandrin. In Japan, poisoning accidents have occurred using chopsticks. Burning pruned branches also emits toxic smoke. Furthermore, the soil in which oleander was planted is said to remain toxic for a year.
The reason for planting such oleanders is that they grow even in harsh environments such as dryness and air pollution. It is often planted on the side of roads where many cars pass. Rather, the toxicity of oleander works to keep harmful insects and small animals away.
In Hiroshima, the oleander will be the first to bloom red flowers the following year in a land where it was said that “no vegetation will grow in 70 years” due to the atomic bomb. Therefore, it became a flower of Hiroshima City as a symbol of recovery from the atomic bombing.
Oleander is a rare flower that combines beauty, danger, and sturdiness.