Marvel of Peru is a seed that contains white powder and has been used for children’s makeup for a long time, but it contains poison, so be careful.
【和名】白粉花, 白粧花
【英名】Marvel of Peru, Four O’clock Flower
【学名】Mirabilis jalapa
【誕生】07/ 28, 08/ 01, 08/ 02, 08/ 23
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange

オシロイバナは夕方に花を咲かせるので英語でFour o’clock(午後4時)と、また一株からいろいろな色の花を咲かせるのでMarvel of Peru(ペルーの不思議)と呼ばれます。オシロイバナの花言葉「臆病」「内気」は人目を避けるように夕方から咲き始めるから。もう一つの花言葉「恋を疑う」は同じ株から赤や白といった違う色の花をつけるからです。
Marvel of Peru
Marvel-of-Peru is a perennial plant of the family Marvel-of-Peru. Originally from South America, it came to Japan around the beginning of the Edo period. It grows up to about 70 cm in height, and the flowers are beautiful and fragrant. While cultivated for ornamental purposes, it is becoming more wild. It blooms in the evening and blooms until around 10 o’clock the next morning.
Marvel-of-Peru is called Four o’clock (4 pm) in English because it blooms in the evening, and Marvel of Peru because it blooms flowers of various colors from one plant. The flower words “cowardly” and “shyness” of Marvel-of-Peru are beginning to bloom in the evening so as to avoid the public eye. Another flower word, “doubt love,” is because the same strain produces flowers of different colors such as red and white.
Marvel-of-Peru seeds are easy to pick up and have white powder inside when broken, so they have long been used for children’s makeup. There is also a manicure play where you apply crushed petal juice to your nails. The color on your nails can be removed by washing with water.
Marvel-of-Peru is familiar to children for a long time, but the whole grass, especially the roots and seeds, has a poison called trigonelline. If you accidentally put it in your mouth, you should be careful as it may cause addiction symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
The image at the beginning is not processed in color, but the deep pink color is vivid. If you think that it is even more poisonous, it is a flower that looks like it will shine at night.