Narcissus grows on the water’s edge, has a long life like a hermit, and is a pure flower, so it is called “Water hermit”. The flowers are fragrant and the corolla surrounds the stamens and pistils in a cylindrical shape.
【英名】Narcissus, Daffodil
【誕生】01/ 02, 01/ 03, 01/ 13, 02/ 09, 02/ 16, 04/ 03
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Yellow, Orange







Narcissus is a perennial plant of the Amaryllidaceae family. The place of origin is centering on the Iberian Peninsula, from the Mediterranean coast to Central Asia. There are about 30 species, some of which are distributed from Central Asia to China and Japan. From the Middle East, it was introduced to China through the Silk Road and came to Japan during the Muromachi period. The flowers have a fragrance.
The Japanese name of narcissus is derived from the Chinese name and means “water hermit”. In Chinese classics, hermits are described as “Tensen in heaven, Chisen in earth, Narcissus in water”. Narcissus grows on the water’s edge, has a long life like a hermit, and is a pure flower. This name is given to many varieties of the genus Narcissus.
The English name for Narcissus comes from the name of a boy in Greek mythology. The fairy Echo falls in love with a beautiful boy, who doesn’t deal with her. Therefore, the echo is thin and thin, and only the voice exists. By the goddess Artemis, the boy fell in love with himself and turned into a Narcissus.
The upper three flowers of narcissus are petals, the lower three are sepals, and the stamens and pistils are surrounded by the secondary corolla. It is classified into “trumpet bloom”, “cup bloom” and “small cup bloom” according to its length. In addition, there are “double-flowered”, “triandros-flowered”, “cyclameneus-flowered”, and “split corona-flowered” depending on how they bloom.
The origin of the Narcissus variety “Japanese Narcissus” is the Iberian Peninsula, despite the name Japanese. There is also a theory that the bulbs that were washed ashore from China became wild when they were introduced to Japan. In addition, there are “Pseudonarcissus” with a protruding corolla, “Poeticus” that appear in Greek mythology, and “Jonquilla” with yellow flowers.
Narcissus is toxic, and the toxic components are alkaloids such as lycorine, tazetin, and galantamine. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, sweating, headache, coma, and hypothermia. Since the leaves resemble garlic, there are many cases of accidental eating in the vegetable garden, and especially in the bulbs that contain a lot of toxic components, there are cases of death due to accidental eating.