The Japanese name, English name, and genus name of Hyacinth are derived from “Hyakinthos,” a handsome boy from Greek mythology. The flowers bloom in clusters like panicles and have a refreshing fragrance.
【仮名】ヒアシンス, ヒヤシンス, フウシンシ
【学名】Hyacinthus orientalis
【誕生】01/ 07, 02/ 18, 03/ 04, 12/ 11, 12/ 23
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Yellow, Orange





Hyacinth is a perennial plant of the Asparagaceae family. It is native to Western Asia, from Turkey to Iran. It spread from the Ottoman Empire to Italy and Britain in Europe in the 16th century, and from France and the Netherlands to Japan in the 19th century. Cultivation is generally done by planting bulbs in the ground. On the other hand, water alone causes roots to grow, leaves to open, and flowers to bloom.
The Japanese name of Hyacinth is pronounced almost the same as the English name. Together with the Latin genus name Hyacinthus, they are derived from “Hyakinthos”, a handsome boy from Greek mythology. The species name orientalis means “of the East.” There is also another Japanese name that means “the scent of flowers carried by the wind.”
Hyacinth leaves are basal. The leaves are long and thin with a pointed tip, fleshy and glossy. The flower stalks grow upright between the leaves. The florets bloom in spike-like clusters at the tip of the flower stalk. The florets are cylindrical, and the perianth is curved and split into six parts. The flowers have a refreshing fragrance. After flowering, the capsules split open when ripe. Then, scatter the black seeds with elaiosome.
Hyacinth has a story in Greek mythology. The handsome boy Hyakinthos was in love with Apollo, the god of medicine. The two were having fun throwing the discus, and Zephyros, the god of the west wind, saw this and became jealous of Apollo. Zephyros blows a malicious wind that causes the disc to deviate from its orbit and hit Hyakinthos in the forehead, killing him. And a beautiful flower bloomed from the blood that fell from his forehead.