Myrtle has long been considered a sacred tree, and its flowers symbolize innocence and immortality as well as love and beauty. When the leaves are shredded or kneaded, it has a eucalyptus-like fragrance.
【仮名】ギンバイカ, マートル
【英名】Myrtle, Common Myrtle
【学名】Myrtus communis
【誕生】02/ 07, 02/ 09
【開花】05, 06月

Myrtle is an evergreen shrub of the family Myrtaceae. The place of origin is from the Mediterranean coast to southwestern Europe. It was introduced to Japan in the Meiji era. White flowers and fragrance that are vulnerable to the cold, but are strong and resistant to pests once rooted. The branches and leaves are densely grown and can withstand pruning, so it is suitable not only for garden trees and potted plants, but also for hedge.
Myrtle flowers have 5 white petals and many long stamens. The silver-white flowers that grow densely on the branches and leaves are somehow similar to plums, so they are called “silver plum blossom.” After flowering, it produces fruit like olives and turns purple-black when ripe. Although the fruits are edible, they have a unique bitterness, so they are dried and used as spices.
The leaves of Myrtle are shiny, long oval, pointed, very short peduncle, and opposite. When shredded or kneaded, it has a eucalyptus-like fragrance. Therefore, it is also known as “silver scent blossom” or “silver scent tree”. It is used in meat dishes as a cooking herb and for women’s diseases as a medicinal herb, and the essential oil is called “myrtle”.
Myrtle is used for wedding decorations and brides’ bouquets and is also called a “celebration tree”. It has long been considered a sacred tree on the Mediterranean coast, and flowers were dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty in each era and region. The flower language is “whisper of love.” Pure white flowers symbolize innocence and immortality as well as love and beauty.