Common Mallow is a familiar medicinal herb that has been handed down from ancient times in Europe. The flowers are pale purple and have 5 deeply recessed petals. Flower language is “calm” and “flexible heart”.
【仮名】ウスベニアオイ, ゼニアオイ, コモンマロウ, ブルーマロウ
【和名】薄紅葵, 銭葵
【英名】Common Mallow, Blue Mallow
【学名】Malva sylvestris
【誕生】08/ 14
【開花】05, 06, 07月
【花色】Pink, Purple, Violet

Common Mallow
Common Mallow is a perennial plant belonging to the Malvaceae family. The place of origin is the Mediterranean coast, and in Europe it is a familiar medicinal herb that has been handed down since the ancient Greek and Roman times. It was brought to Japan for ornamental purposes in the Edo period. It is resistant to heat and cold, and propagates by self-sown seedling, so it has spread to various places. The flower language is “calm” and “flexible heart”.
The Japanese name of Common Mallow means the mallow with pale pink flowers. The English name Mallow comes from the Latin genus Malva. Malva means “to soften”. This is because the mucilage contained in the roots has the effect of softening and loosening hardened. The species name sylvestris means “wild”.
Common Mallow stems are sparsely hairy. The leaves are long-stalked and alternate. Palmate, deeply 5-7 cleft, with serrated edges. The flowers are pale purple and have 5 deeply recessed petals. To avoid co-pollination, first five stamens extend filaments and pollen is sent out, and then pistils extend style and develop into 10 to 12 lobes.
Common Mallow cultivar “Zebrina” has purple streaks in the flowers, and “Blue Fountain” has violet flowers. The variety “Mauritiana” has hairless stems, round leaves with shallow 5-7 lobes, and deep purple petals with shallow depressions. The closely related “Malva moschata” has fragrant leaves, and there is a cultivar “Alba” with white and pink petals.
The mucus contained in the roots of Common Mallow soothes sore throats and inflammations, while the tannins contained in the leaves and the anthocyanins contained in the flowers act as antioxidants to prevent lifestyle-related diseases. The tea is blue when freshly brewed, turns purple over time, and turns pink when lemon juice is added. So it is also called “Dawn herbal tea”.