Japanese name of Kobushi Magnolia means “fist”. It has plump silvery-white buds, delicate white flowers, and bears clumps of rugged red fruit.
【英名】Kobushi Magnolia, Kobus Magnolia
【学名】Magnolia kobus
【誕生】02/ 20, 02/ 23, 03/ 08, 03/ 24
【開花】03, 04月

Kobushi Magnolia
Kobushi Magnolia is a deciduous tall tree of the Magnoliaceae family. Distributed in Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and overseas in Jeju Island in South Korea, it grows naturally in mountainous areas and is planted in gardens and parks. Since ancient times, that flowering has been used as a guideline for agricultural work, and there are other names such as “flowers when plowing rice field”, “flowers when planting rice”, and “flowers when sowing seeds”. The language of flowers is “loveliness”, “friendship” and “trust”.
Japanese name of Kobushi Magnolia comes from “fist” and there are multiple reasons for this. This is because the plump buds look like a child’s fist, the flowers bloom like the fingers of a fist, and the rugged fruit resembles a fist. This Japanese name became the English name and the Latin species name. But the Chinese character ofJapanese name means “Magnolia” in China.
The bark of Kobushi Magnolia is smooth grayish white, and becomes shallowly fissured with age. Flower buds are long oval covered with silvery white hairs. The flower has delicate 6 petals and 3 sepals with a small leaf underneath. The leaves are obovate and alternate. After flowering, it bears clumps of rugged red fruit, splits when ripe and hangs red seeds with white threads.
A variant of Kobushi Magnolia, “Borealis” is distributed in Hokkaido and eastern Honshu on the Sea of Japan side, and has slightly larger leaves and flowers. “Magnolia stellata” is small in size and has 12 to 24 petals. “Magnolia salicifolia” is distributed in high places on the Sea of Japan side of Honshu, and the flowers are small and sparse, but the scent is strong and there are no small leaves under the flowers.
Kobushi Magnolia contains essential oil components, and when the leaves are rubbed, the branches are burned, or the flowers are used to make tea, the scent is pleasant. Dried buds are herbal medicines those are used for rhinitis, empyema, headache, dizziness, etc. The fruits are called “mountain oak” and “pepper-like”, but they are not edible and are used for dyes.