シュンラン / Riverstream Orchid

シュンラン / Riverstream Orchid Backyard
シュンラン / Riverstream Orchid


Riverstream Orchid grows naturally in the mountains and fields where it is sunny and well-drained. It is a terrestrial orchid that blooms in spring. The language of flowers is “modest beauty”, “unadorned heart”, and “elegance”.

【英名】Riverstream Orchid
【学名】Cymbidium goeringii
【誕生】01/ 19, 03/ 26
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】White, Green

Cymbidium goeringii - leaves and flowers
Cymbidium goeringii – leaves and flowers
Cymbidium goeringii - a flower from the front
Cymbidium goeringii – a flower from the front
Cymbidium goeringii - flowers from behind
Cymbidium goeringii – flowers from behind












Riverstream Orchid

Ecology of Riverstream Orchid

Riverstream Orchid is an evergreen perennial of the Orchidaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and grows naturally in sunny and well-drained areas in mountains and fields. It absorbs nutrients and water through its roots, photosynthesises in its leaves, and receives nutrients from symbiotic saprophytes and ectomycorrhizal fungi. The language of flowers is “modest beauty”, “unadorned heart”, and “elegance”.

Name of Riverstream Orchid

The Japanese name of Riverstream Orchid means “spring orchid”, because a related species with a similar shape was called that way in China. Both bloom in spring. The Latin genus name Cymbidium means “boat-shaped” and is derived from the lip. The specific epithet goeringii comes from the 19th-century German botanist Goering.

Form of Riverstream Orchid

Riverstream Orchid extends elongated leaves with serrated margins and flower stalks covered with a thin membrane from an underground pseudocorm. One flower blooms sideways on one stem. The flower consists of 1 large upper sepal, 2 lateral sepals, 2 small lateral petals, 1 lip, and a column of stamens and pistils joined together. Post-flowering capsules contain countless tiny seeds.

Relatives of Riverstream Orchid

The Chinese relative of Riverstream Orchid “Cymbidium forrestii Rolfe” is also a terrestrial orchid that takes root in the ground. In spring, one flower stalk is stretched and one flower blooms at the tip, which is also called “one stem one flower”. The flowers are more gorgeous than the Japanese native species, the scent is stronger, and the leaves are smoother. It has been considered a noble flower since ancient times, and there are many horticultural species that have been selected and improved from native species.

Use of Riverstream Orchid

Riverstream Orchid is edible. The flower stems are served in tempura and vinegared dishes, floated in sake to recover from fatigue and tonic, and salted and served at celebratory occasions. The root is used for medicinal purposes, such as cracks and chapped skin. It used to grow naturally all over the country, but now it is declining due to over-harvesting.
