スノーフレーク / Snowflake

スノーフレーク / Snowflake Backyard
スノーフレーク / Snowflake


The name of Snowflake comes from pretty white flowers. The leaves resemble Narcissus and the flowers resemble Lily of the Valley. The language of flowers is “pure” and “purity” etc.

【仮名】スノーフレーク, オオマツユキソウ, スズランズイセン
【和名】大待雪草, 鈴蘭水仙
【英名】Snowflake, Loddon Lily
【学名】Leucojum aestivum
【誕生】01/ 28, 02/ 23, 04/ 16, 12/ 19
【開花】03, 04月



スノーフレーク:咲き始めの花々 / Leucojum aestivum - flowers beginning to bloom
スノーフレーク:咲き始めの花々 / Leucojum aestivum – flowers beginning to bloom



スノーフレーク:花々を横から / Leucojum aestivum - flowers from the side
スノーフレーク:花々を横から / Leucojum aestivum – flowers from the side



スノーフレーク:花々を別の真横から / Leucojum aestivum - flowers from another side
スノーフレーク:花々を別の真横から / Leucojum aestivum – flowers from another side



スノーフレーク:花々を斜め下から / Leucojum aestivum - flowers diagonally below
スノーフレーク:花々を斜め下から / Leucojum aestivum – flowers diagonally below



スノーフレーク:花々を下から / Leucojum aestivum - flowers from below
スノーフレーク:花々を下から / Leucojum aestivum – flowers from below



Snowflake is a perennial plant of Amaryllidaceae. It originated in central and southern Europe such as Austria and Hungary, and was introduced to Japan in the early Showa period. In spring, the leaves and stems are extended from underground bulbs, and pretty white flowers bloom. Stems and leaves wither in summer and go dormant in autumn and winter. The language of flowers is “pure” and “purity”.

The name of Snowflake comes from pretty white flowers. This word is also used to describe personality, meaning “unique” or “vulnerable”. The Latin genus name Leucojum means “white violet” and is derived from the scent of the flowers. The species name Aestivum means “summer”.

Snowflake has a Japanese name that means “Narcissus like Lily of the Valley”. The leaves are long, linear and basal, similar to Narcissus. The flower stalk is thin, tubular and elongated. The flowers are white and bell-shaped, similar to “Lily of the Valley”. There is a green spot at the tip of the corolla. 6 tepals and 6 stamens. Post-flowering capsules scatter black seeds when ripe.

Snowflake has another Japanese name that means “big grass waiting for snow”. This is because it resembles “Snowdrop” in appearance, but it is taller. “grass waiting for snow” is the Japanese name for Snowdrop. Both are Amaryllidaceae, but Snowflake has multiple flowers at the tip of the stem, while Snowdrop has only one flower.

Snowflake was a herbal medicine in China, and its bulbs were used for purulent lesions, boils, coughs, etc. However, it actually contains a large amount of the toxic alkaloid “galantamine”. Accidental ingestion may cause food poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, so it is not suitable for medicinal use by amateurs.
