The Viola continues to bloom for a long time from late autumn to late spring. A flower that represents winter with pansies. It is a pretty and simple flower, while it has good flowering and is strong.
【仮名】ビオラ, サンシキスミレ
【英名】Viola, Tufted Pansy
【誕生】01/ 06, 01/ 09, 01/ 28, 02/ 03, 11/ 11, 12/ 18
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 10, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Yellow, Orange





Viola is an annual plant of the genus Violet in the family Violaceae. The place of origin is the western part of France in Europe, and about 500 species grow naturally all over the world. The name comes from Greek mythology. For the girl who turned into a cow, Zeus, the Emperor, bloomed purple flowers. The girl’s name is Ion. Ion changed and the name of the flower became Viola.
The viola blooms for a long time from late autumn to late spring. It is a flower that represents winter along with pansies. The flower diameter is 2 to 3 cm for small flowers and 3 to 4 cm for medium flowers. It is an easy-to-grow flower because it blooms one after another with proper care. The plant height is as small as 15 to 20 cm. It can be cultivated not only in flower beds but also in containers and hanging baskets.
Viola is a strain produced during the breeding process from violets to pansies. Therefore, the distinction between pansies and violas is rather vague. Pansies with a flower diameter of 5 cm or more are violas with a flower diameter of 4 cm or less. Since the pansies have been improved, the viola has few varieties, but it is close to nature, and it has good flowering and is considered to be strong.
However, while pansies produce small flowers and strong multi-flowered lines, violas grow large flowers and the flower colors are diversified. Nowadays, if it looks gorgeous, it’s a pansy, and if it’s pretty and simple, it’s a viola. The flower language is “think about me,” “faithful,” “honest love,” “trust,” “girl’s love,” and “fantasy wings.”
Viola is edible. It is also rich in fiber and β-carotene. An edible flower that does not spoil the taste or aroma of food, although it does not have an impressive taste or aroma. However, be aware that rhizomes and seeds contain toxic components such as violin, saponin, violaltin, and glycoside.