Bush clover is one of the seven autumn herbs that is written in “Manyoshu” and offered at the moon viewing. The flower language expresses a modest and delicate appearance with thought, shyness, and a flexible spirit.
【仮名】ハギ, ヤマハギ, シラハギ
【和名】萩, 山萩, 白萩
【英名】Bush Clover, Japanese Clover, White Bush Clover
【誕生】09/ 06, 09/ 24, 09/ 25, 10/ 01, 11/ 15
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple

Bush Clover
Bush clover is a deciduous shrub of the genus Lespedeza in the family Leguminosae. Even though it is a tree, new stems grow from the root every year. The stems become woody and hard, but they do not become thick branches or trunks. The tree is not tall, has flower buds at the tips of the branches, and weeps as a whole. Distribution is in eastern and southern Asia, eastern North America, and Australia.
Bush clover is a flower that has been popular in Japan for a long time. In “Manyoshu”, it is often written in combination with deer. The custom of viewing the moon by offering Bush clover and pampas grass with dumplings in the mid-autumn moon. It is one of the seven autumn herbs. The flower language is “thought,” “shyness,” and “flexible spirit.” It shows the humble and delicate appearance of the Bush clover.
Bush clover is the first pioneer plant to grow in lean areas such as the remains of mountain fires. Rhizobia that grow on the roots of legumes fix nitrogen in the air and supply it as nutrients to the plants. In Japan, it was used as feed for livestock in the olden days. In the fall, the branches are cut and dried in the mountains. They gave the leaves in the grassless winter.
Yamahagi, a mountain Bush clover, has spread from the place of origin in Asia and has become wild in various places. It was introduced for ornamental use in the United States from the 19th century, and naturalization has progressed. In Japan, leaves are used as a substitute for tea, and sun-dried roots are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves and roots of Lespedeza bicolor contain an alkaloid substance called dimethyltryptamine.
Shirahagi, a white Bush clover, has white flowers and silky white downy hairs all over the tree. It is cultivated in various places as a horticultural species, but it is unknown what kind of strain it originated from. There was a theory that it was a strain of Nishikinohagi or Taiwanhagi, but recently, the theory that it is a strain of Miyaginohagi has become mainstream.