The Japanese name for isotoma is “Hoshi Azami” because the flowers are star-shaped and the leaves are jagged. Since it contains the alkaloid component “isotomin”, the flower language is “extremely poisonous”.
【仮名】イソトマ, ローレンティア, ホシアザミ
【英名】Isotoma, Laurentia
【学名】Isotoma axillaris
【誕生】06/ 12, 07/ 10, 07/ 15
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Purple, Violet
イソトマは寒さに弱いので、種まきは春、気温が5度以上になってから。日の当たるところで育てます。やや乾燥気味の土を好むので、水やりは土の表面がしっかり乾いてからたっぷりと。 花の盛りが過ぎても、草丈の半分くらいで切り戻せば芽が吹き、3週間ほどで再び開花します。
Isotoma is a perennial or annual plant belonging to the genus Isotoma of the family Bellflower. The scientific name means “equal division” in Greek. This is because the five petals are evenly distributed. The alias “Laurentia” comes from the old genus name. “Hoshi Azami” has flowers in the shape of stars and leaves that are jagged like a zigzag.
Isotoma is a perennial plant native to Australia. Also distributed in New Zealand, Society Islands and West Indies. However, in Japan, where winter is below 5 degrees Celsius, it will die due to the cold. Even in places where it is possible to go through the winter, flowering worsens from the second year. Rather, it is an annual plant that can withstand the heat of summer as a garden plant.
Isotoma is vulnerable to the cold, so sowing seeds in the spring, after the temperature reaches 5 degrees Celsius or higher. Grow in the sun. It prefer slightly dry soil, so water well after the soil surface is dry. Even if the flowers are over, if you cut them back at about half the height of the plant, the buds will sprout and they will bloom again in about 3 weeks.
The flower language of Isotoma is “extremely poisonous”. This is because it contains the alkaloid component “isotomin”. If you touch the juice that comes out when you cut the stem, your skin may become rough or rash. Therefore, wear gloves when using scissors. Others are “happy news,” “sacred memories,” “opening the heart,” and “intense temptation.”