The origin of the Japanese name of Common toadflax is that the flowers resemble “Unran” and the leaves are thin. The “Butter And Eggs” -colored flowers have a goldfish-like lip shape and a long distance behind them.
【仮名】ホソバウンラン, セイヨウウンラン
【和名】細葉海蘭, 西洋海蘭
【英名】Common Toadflax, Butter And Eggs
【学名】Linaria vulgaris
【誕生】11/ 29
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Yellow

Common Toadflax
Common toadflax is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Toadflax of the Plantain family. The native area is coast sandy areas, roadsides, grasslands, etc. The origin of the Japanese name is that the flowers resemble “Unran” and the leaves are thin. The English name “Toadflax” is derived from the fact that the shape of the flower resembles a toad and the shape of the leaf resembles a flax. This is because the English name “Butter And Eggs” has similar flower colors.
The origin of Common toadflax is Europe. It has expanded to North America, South America, Australia, etc. Initially, it was distributed only in the coastal areas, but it is highly fertile and extends inland. Introduced in Japan for medicinal and ornamental purposes during the Meiji and Taisho eras, it has become wild in various places. The flower language is “joy and sadness” because pretty flowers grow powerfully.
Common toadflax is powdery white throughout. The stem is hairless, upright and well-branched from the root. The leaves are opposite or round at the bottom of the stem and alternate at the top. The flowers are lip-shaped like goldfish and have a long distance behind them. The fruits are spherical to oval, and when ripe, they split irregularly. There are a lot of winged seeds inside.
“Unran” grows in the same place as the Common toadflax and has similar flowers. The length is small and the leaves are oval. The exotic species “Kibana Unran” also has wide leaves, and the orange part of the flower is small, but it is very similar. Also, the closely related “Hime Kingyo Sou” looks exactly like that. In different colors, “Shirobana Seiyou Unran” is similar.