Cypress Vine has the flower language of “passion” and “lovely” due to its flower color and shape. On the other hand, since the vines grow and entangle around the surrounding area, there are also flower languages such as “obtrusive.”
【英名】Cypress Vine
【学名】Ipomoea quamoclit
【誕生】07/ 23, 08/ 10, 08/ 24
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Red




Cypress Vine
Cypress Vine is an annual or perennial herb in the Convolvulaceae family. The place of origin is Mexico in North America. It came to Japan during the Edo period and became wild in central and western Honshu. It has a flower language that means “passion” and “lovely” due to the color and shape of the flower. On the other hand, since the vines grow and entangle around the surrounding area, there is also flower language such as “obtrusive.”
The Japanese name of Cypress Vine means “grass with thread-thin leaves and red flowers.” The Latin genus name Ipomoea means “like a caterpillar.” The species name quamoclit means “short bean”. This is due to the fact that they are both vines. The English name Cypress Vine is because the shape of the leaves resembles that of a cypress.
The stems of Cypress Vine are vining. It grows vigorously while clinging to other objects. The leaves are deeply lobed and pinnate. The flowers are funnel-shaped with a pentagonal tip. There are 5 stamens and a protruding pistil. After flowering, pointed capsules are produced facing upward. The seeds contain the resin glycoside farbitin, which can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain if accidentally eaten.
A related species of Cypress Vine, “Ipomoea coccinea”, has similar flowers, with stamens and pistils protruding from small funnel-shaped pentagons. On the other hand, the flower color is orange around the corolla and yellow in the middle. The leaves are heart-shaped. “Ipomoea x multifida”, a hybrid of Ipomoea coccinea and Ipomoea quamoclit, has palmately lobed leaves and vermilion flowers.