ポインセチア / Poinsettia

ポインセチア / Poinsettia Backyard
ポインセチア / Poinsettia


Poinsettia is “Christmas flower” with bright red bracts in late December when there are few flowers. The language of flowers is “Holy Night”, “Bless”, and “Pray for Good Luck”.

【仮名】ポインセチア, ショウジョウボク, クリスマスフラワー
【英名】Poinsettia, Christmas Flower
【学名】Euphorbia pulcherrima
【誕生】12/ 09, 12/ 22, 12/ 25
【開花】01, 02, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Yellow



ポインセチア:苞葉 / Euphorbia pulcherrima - Bract leaves
ポインセチア:苞葉 / Euphorbia pulcherrima – Bract leaves



ポインセチア:葉 / Euphorbia pulcherrima - Leaf
ポインセチア:葉 / Euphorbia pulcherrima – Leaf



ポインセチア:咲き始め / Euphorbia pulcherrima - Beginning of flowering
ポインセチア:咲き始め / Euphorbia pulcherrima – Beginning of flowering



ポインセチア:開花 / Euphorbia pulcherrima - Flowers
ポインセチア:開花 / Euphorbia pulcherrima – Flowers



ポインセチア:八重咲き / Euphorbia pulcherrima - Winter Rose
ポインセチア:八重咲き / Euphorbia pulcherrima – Winter Rose



ポインセチア:八重咲きを近くから / Euphorbia pulcherrima - Winter Rose up close
ポインセチア:八重咲きを近くから / Euphorbia pulcherrima – Winter Rose up close

Poinsettia is an evergreen shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family. The place of origin is Mexico, and it was brought to Japan in the Meiji era. Except for the warm southern part of Kyushu, it does not tolerate planting in the ground, so it is potted outdoors in the summer and indoors in the winter. It is also a flower tree that symbolizes Christmas, and the language of flowers is “Holy Night”, “Bless”, and “Pray for Good Luck”.

Poinsettia comes from Poinset, the first American envoy to Mexico. He took it with him on his return, and it spread around the world. It is also known as “Christmas flower” because the red bracts are bright in late December when there are few flowers. The Japanese name comes from the legend that the blood of the legendary monkey was used as a red dye.

Poinsettia leaves are alternate, oval and green with pointed tips. There are 10 bracts, which are oval and red with pointed tips. The flowers are small, urn-shaped, densely clustered in the center of the bracts, and yellow-green. The stamens are short and dense, and the pistils are long and have a 2-lobed stigma, both of which are red. The nectaries stick out like lips and are yellow. After flowering, it bears capsules.

Poinsettia comes in a wide variety of bract shapes and colors. The dwarf type “Winter Rose” has round, small bracts that overlap like double-flowered roses. Not only red, but also white, pink, and variegated. On the other hand, “Fire On The Mountain”, which belongs to the same genus Euphorbia and has a similar shape, is an annual herb with red bracts but green tips.

Covering the Poinsettia with cardboard boxes in the mornings and evenings from September to block the sunshine encourages flowering, and around Christmas, the bracts turn bright red. The plant can be propagated easily by cuttings, but care must be taken as if the branches and leaves are damaged, a white milky sap will ooze out, and if it touches the skin, it will cause blisters and rashes.
