ハナニラ / Spring Star

ハナニラ / Spring Star Backyard
ハナニラ / Spring Star


Spring star have elongated leaves that resemble garlic chives extending from the bulbs in the ground. Damage to the foliage and bulbs gives off a garlic-like odor, while the flowers give off a sweet scent.

【英名】Spring Star
【学名】Ipheion uniflorum
【誕生】03/ 26
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】White, Pink, Blue











Spring Star

Spring star is a perennial plant of the Amaryllidaceae family. The place of origin is Argentina. The genus Ipheion is distributed in about 25 species in Central and South America, and the most widespread species in the world is this Uniflorum species. They came to Japan in the Meiji era and escaped and naturalized in various places. It’s so durable that it blooms every year even if left alone.

Spring star have elongated leaves that resemble garlic chives extending from the bulbs in the ground. The flower stalk is extended from between the leaves, and 6 petals are bloomed at the tip. The flowers are pale blue, pink, and soft white. There are flower words such as “loved one” and “love to endure” because of a gentle impression, and “parting”, “grudge” and “sneaky” because of a lonely impression.

The name Spring star (garlic flower) comes from the fact that if you damage the foliage or bulbs, you will smell like garlic. On the other hand, the flowers give off a sweet scent. Garlic chives and flower buds are also called “garlic flower”, but garlic is a vegetable of the genus Allium and is edible. Spring star can’t be eaten. Garlic chives have a branch at the tip of the flower stalk. Spring star does not branch.

There are closely related species of Spring star, and by combining them, the flowering time can be expanded. The genus Nothoscordum “sellowianum” blooms in February, earlier than the Uniflorum species. The flowers are bright yellow. “parviflora” of the genus Tristagma has an earlier flowering time from November to December. The flower color is white.
