Hibiscus, the horticultural name of Chinese Hibiscus in Japan, is originally the name of the entire Hibiscus genus. In Okinawa, they are also called “afterlife flower” and are planted at graves to pray for peace in the afterlife of the deceased.
【仮名】ブッソウゲ, ハイビスカス
【和名】仏桑花, 仏桑華
【英名】Chinese Hibiscus, Rose of China
【学名】Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
【誕生】07/ 11, 08/ 10, 09/ 22
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange

Chinese Hibiscus
Chinese Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub of the Malvaceae family. Many original species and hybrids are distributed from the tropics to the subtropics, growing naturally in sunny and well-drained. In Japan, it is planted as garden trees and hedges in warm areas such as Okinawa, southern Kyushu, southern Izu Islands, and Ogasawara Islands. In cold and intermediate regions, cultivars are grown in greenhouses.
The name of Chinese Hibiscus in Japan was “Fuso”, which means Japan in China, with a flower attached at first, and had been changed to “mulberry flower of buddha”. In Okinawa, they are also called “afterlife flower” and are planted in graves to pray for peace in the afterlife. The horticultural name “Hibiscus” in Japan is originally the name of the entire Hibiscus genus. The species name means “Chinese rose” in Latin.
Chinese Hibiscus leaves are alternate. They have a broad oval shape with a pointed tip, serrated edges and a glossy surface. The flowers are funnel-shaped with 5 petals and 5 sepal tubes. The stamens and pistils come together and protrude from the center. The anthers are yellow and many, and the stigma is red and 5-lobed. Even if they bloom, they are a one-day flower that wilt immediately, but buds appear one after another.
There are three types of Chinese Hibiscus. For example, “Painted Lady” is a native type that blooms well even in summer, although its flowers are rather small. “Madonna” is a Hawaiian type that is sensitive to heat, but has large flowers and eye-catching flower colors. “Snowflake” is a coral type that is resistant to heat and blooms with small drooping flowers.
A close relative of Chinese Hibiscus “Roselle” has cream-colored flowers on reddish-purple stems. The thick red ripened sepals and bracts are eaten raw and processed into jams, jellies, fruit wines and herbal teas. In particular, hibiscus tea is rich in citric acid and has a refreshing flavor, and is used for colds, sore throats, and diuretics.