リンドウ / Japanese Gentian

リンドウ / Japanese Gentian Backyard
リンドウ / Japanese Gentian


Japanese Gentian has long been known as a medicinal plant in Japan, and grows wild in sunny mountains and fields. The flowers are tubular, bell-shaped, and open when the sun shines and close when the sun gets dark.

【仮名】リンドウ, ササリンドウ
【和名】竜胆, 笹竜胆
【英名】Japanese Gentian
【学名】Gentiana scabra
【誕生】09/ 16, 10/ 01, 10/ 20
【開花】09, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Pink, Violet, Blue

Gentiana scabra - buds
Gentiana scabra – buds
Gentiana scabra - three flowers
Gentiana scabra – three flowers
Gentiana scabra - two flowers
Gentiana scabra – two flowers












Japanese Gentian

Japanese Gentian is a perennial herb of Gentianaceae. In Japan, it is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu west of the Kanto region, and in the Korean Peninsula and China outside of Japan. It grows naturally in sunny mountains and fields, and the flowers open when the sun shines and close when the sun gets dark. It is also a generic name for the Gentian genus, so “Bamboo like” is sometimes added to distinguish it in Japanese. It is a medicinal plant that has been known since ancient times.

The Japanese name of Japanese Gentian comes from the Chinese name “Dragon Gallbladder”. Its Chinese name was likened to the mythical creature “dragon” because its roots are bitterer than a bear’s gallbladder. Since its bitter taste was used as a medicine, it is also known as “Plague grass”, “Stomach sickness grass”, and “Healing grass.”

Japanese Gentian roots are yellowish white and slender, and extend deep into the ground while branching. The leaves are stalkless, opposite, lanceolate with pointed tips, and rough on the surface. The flowers are tubular, bell-shaped, with 5-lobed corollas, 5 stamens, and 2-lobed pistils. The post-flowering capsule splits when ripe and scatters the winged seeds on the wind.

Relative of Japanese Gentian, “Gentiana triflora” has large plant height and flowers, and is distributed from Hokkaido to the Kinki region of Honshu. “Gentiana makinoi” has small flowers not opening even when the sun shines, and grows in the mountains north of the Chubu region of Honshu. These two species are in circulation under the horticultural name “Gentian”. On the other hand, the variety “stenophylla” has elongated leaves and grows in wetlands.

The root of Japanese Gentian is used in Chinese medicine as a herbal medicine. When consumed, bitter ingredients such as gentiopicrine and gentianine stimulate the sense of taste and promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice. It is prepared in late autumn to early winter when the foliage dies, digging up without cutting the roots, washing with water and drying in the sun. It is used for anorexia and indigestion.
