Chrysanthemum Japonicum is a type of wild chrysanthemum that blooms from late autumn to early winter. It is also a crude drug that emits an aroma when the leaves are rubbed, promotes blood circulation, and stimulates the central nervous system.
【英名】Chrysanthemum Japonicum, Chrysanthemum Makinoi
【学名】Chrysanthemum japonicum
【誕生】11/ 21
【開花】10, 11月
【花色】White, Pink

Chrysanthemum Japonicum
Chrysanthemum Japonicum is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. It is distributed from Fukushima Prefecture and Niigata Prefecture in Honshu in the north to Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu in the south, and grows naturally in sunny mountain forest edges. Although it is similar in classification and appearance to “florist’s chrysanthemum”, which blooms every year, it is a type of “wild chrysanthemum” that blooms from late autumn to early winter. The language of flowers is “impermanent beauty” and “loyalty”.
The Japanese name of Chrysanthemum Japonicum means that when the leaves are rubbed, they give off a fragrance, and it smells like the essential oil “borneol” extracted from evergreen trees that grow naturally in Southeast Asia. It has a scent similar to “camphor”, an essential oil extracted from evergreen trees that grow naturally in Japan and other parts of East Asia. Both have long been used as insect repellents and tonics.
The stalks of the Chrysanthemum Japonicum are thin and unreliable. Although the bottom is woody, it does not stand up straight. The leaves are alternate and shallowly divided into three with jagged margins. The surface is densely hairy. As for the flowers, the ligulate flowers are white to pink, and the tubular flowers are yellow. After flowering, it bears achenes.
Chrysanthemum Japonicum is a herbal medicine containing a component called “monoterpene” that promotes blood circulation and stimulates the central nervous system. Stems and leaves are raw and crushed for scrapes, cuts, insect bites, etc. Alternatively, it can be dried, chopped, put in a cotton bag, put in a bathtub, and used for stiff shoulders, lower back pain, sensitivity to cold, rheumatism, and neuralgia.