Fire-on-the-mountain leaves are more prominent in the bracts, where the green and red colors shine brightly beneath them, rather than the small yellow flowers that bloom densely at the tips of the stems.
【仮名】ショウジョウソウ, サマーポインセチア
【英名】Fire On The Mountain, Mexican Fire Plant
【学名】Euphorbia cyathophora
【誕生】08/ 31
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】Red, Green, Yellow, Orange
Fire On The Mountain
Fire-on-the-mountain is a herb of the Euphorbiaceae family. The place of origin is from the United States to Argentina. Widespread throughout the world, it is a perennial plant in the tropical to subtropical regions and an annual plant in other regions. It came to Japan for gardening in the Meiji era. It escaped and was naturalized, and in the Nansei Islands and the Ogasawara Islands, it grows wild in fields and wilderness.
Fire-on-the-middle flowers are densely blooming with small flowers at the tips of upright stems. The bracts below it alternate and each has a violin-like shape. Bracts with vivid greens and reds stand out more than yellow flowers. The inconspicuous flowers become capsules and dehiscence. Egg-shaped seeds are scattered and propagated.
The Japanese name for fire-on-the-mountain is derived from the imaginary Chinese animal “Shojo”. The bracts that turn red during the flowering season are likened to the red shojo on the face. The difference from the closely related shojoboku (poinsettia), which is also likened to shojo, is the stem. The stems of poinsettia are generally grassy, ??while the poinsettia is woody.
Furthermore, the difference between Shojosou and Shojoboku is how the bracts are colored. The base of the bracts of the poinsettia turns red, and the whole bracts of the poinsettia turn red. Due to the characteristics of such appearance, the English name means “fire on the mountain”. Both flower languages ??are positive, with Poinsettia being a “blessing” and Shojo being a “good companion.”