Chinese name of Paper Bush means “Yellow Winter Daphne”. Small flowers gather in a hemispherical shape and bloom from the periphery to the center, giving off a neat and clean fragrance.
【和名】三椏, 三又, 三叉
【英名】Paper Bush, Oriental Paper Bush, Mitsumata
【学名】Edgeworthia chrysantha
【誕生】02/ 15, 03/ 20
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】Red, Yellow, Orange
Paper Bush
Paper Bush is a deciduous shrub of Thymelaeaceae family. It is native to central and southern China to the Himalayas. It was brought to Japan long ago for papermaking, and while it was cultivated in various places, it was also established as an ornamental. Japanese paper, made from strong fibers extracted from tree bark, is resistant to abrasion and bending, and is still used for banknotes, certificates, and maps.
The Japanese name of Paper Bush means “three branch”, because each year, a new branch grows while splitting into three. The Chinese name of Paper Bush means “Yellow Winter Daphne”. The Latin genus name Edgeworthia comes from the 19th-century Irish botanist Michael Edgeworth. The species name Chrysantha means “yellow flower”.
The bark of Paper Bush branches turns from green to brown over time. The leaves are long and elliptical and alternate. Small flowers gather in a hemispherical shape and bloom from the periphery to the center, giving off a neat and clean fragrance. The calyx tubes that look like petals have 4 cleft tips and 8 stamens. After flowering, an ellipsoidal nut is formed, containing one seed.
Paper Bush is called “Sakikusa” in Manyoshu, which is the oldest extant collection of Japanese poems. Sakikusa has multiple meanings, such as the branch splitting into three, the flower blooming in early spring, and the auspicious flower. Although it contains toxic coumarin, it was once used as a herbal medicine, with flower buds used for eye and voice ailments, and roots used for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.