The flower of Chervil Larkspur consists of 5 outer sepals, 4 inner petals, a pistil and many stamens. A long spur protrudes behind it.
【英名】Chervil Larkspur
【学名】Delphinium anthriscifolium
【誕生】04/ ??
【開花】04, 05月
【花色】White, Violet
Chervil Larkspur
Chervil Larkspur is an annual plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. The place of origin is from China to northern Vietnam, and it was brought to Japan in the Meiji period. It grows quietly in the moist forest floor where it receives a moderate amount of sunlight, but in recent years it has also grown in large numbers on riverbeds where people can see it. The language of flowers is “cheerful” and “frivolous”.
The Japanese name of Chervil Larkspur means a grass with leaves resembling Water dropwort and flowers resembling swallows flying in the sky. The genus name delphinium in Latin means “dolphin” and is derived from the shape of the buds. The specific epithet Anthriscifolium is derived from the scientific name Anthriscus cerefolium for the “Chervil” with similar leaves.
The stem of Chervil Larkspur is upright in the lower part and branched in the upper part. The leaf is alternate, hairless, soft, and pinnately notched. Although the shape resembles the vegetable Water dropwort and the herb Chervil, it contains the toxic alkaloid “delphinin”. Accidental ingestion can cause diarrhea and vomiting.
The flower of Chervil Larkspur has one large upper sepal, two lateral sepals, and two lower sepals on the outside. There are two small upper petals and two lower petals inside, and below them are a pistil and many stamens. A long spur protrudes behind it. After flowering, it forms a bag fruit like a red pepper. When ripe, it splits open and scatters dark brown seeds.