Ornithogalum is the Latin genus name for Star of Bethlehem. The English name comes from the New Testament. The star informed the Magi about the birth of the Messiah and led them to Bethlehem.
【仮名】オオアマナ, オーニソガラム
【英名】Star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum
【学名】Ornithogalum umbellatum
【誕生】02/ 27
【開花】04, 05月

Star of Bethlehem
Star of Bethlehem is a perennial plant of the family Asparagaceae. The place of origin is the Mediterranean coast of Europe to the southwestern part of Asia, and it came to Japan for ornamental purposes in the Meiji period, and then escaped and became wild. The Japanese name means that the shape is similar to “Amana edulis” and the flowers are large. Amana edulis has sweet bulbs and is edible, but Star of Bethlehem has toxic bulbs.
The name of Star of Bethlehem comes from the New Testament. The star informed the Magi about the birth of the Messiah and led them to Bethlehem, and they offered Jesus frankincense, myrrh, and gold. The Latin genus name Ornithogalum means “bird’s milk”, but this is derived from the shape and color of the flower, not the crop milk.
Star of Bethlehem has elongated linear basal leaves. Many flowers on one stem. The perianth has 6 tepals, the upper surface is white and the lower surface is green. The corolla opens when the sun shines and closes when it’s cloudy or the sun goes down. After flowering, they form capsules and disperse seeds. In the summer, the above-ground stems and leaves wither and the underground bulbs go dormant and the above-ground grow again in the winter.
“Amana edulis” is a perennial plant of the Liliaceae family, which is the origin of Japanese name of Star of Bethlehem. In Japan, it is distributed south of Fukushima Prefecture on Honshu, and in the Korean Peninsula and northeastern China outside of Japan. It likes sunny and moist places. In the past, it used to grow in colonies along the ridges and embankments of rural areas, but now it is declining. A single flower blooms at the tip of one stem.
“Ipheion uniflorum” is a perennial plant of Amaryllidaceae, which has a similar shape to Star of Bethlehem. The place of origin is Argentina, it was introduced for ornamental purposes in the Meiji era, and then escaped and became wild. The leaves are long and slender, like Chinese chive, and when damaged, they give off odor like Chinese chive. The flowers are sweetly scented, but the bulbs are poisonous. A single flower blooms at the tip of one stem.