Pricklyburr produces bright white and fragrant flowers. However, it produces capsules full of thorns and the whole plant contains highly toxic alkaloids.
【英名】Pricklyburr, Downy Thorn Apple
【学名】Datura inoxia
【誕生】04/ 12, 08/ 09, 10/ 23
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10月

Pricklyburr is an annual and perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. It has spread from its origin in Central and South America to all parts of the world. Cultivation began in Japan after World War II, and it became wild around farmlands and wastelands. It resembles a morning glory, and has bright white and fragrant flowers. However, it produces capsules full of thorns, and the whole plant is highly toxic.
The Japanese name Pricklyburr means “hairy Datura metel”. Its appearance resembles Datura metel, a closely related species. The Latin genus name Datura means “white prickly apple” in ancient Indian Sanskrit. The species name inoxia means “harmless” for some reason.
Pricklyburr’s stems are heavily branched and the leaves are alternate, oval and pinnately veined. At the beginning of blooming, the flowers face upwards and are sweetly fragrant, and at the end of blooming, they point downwards and wither. The calyx tube is elongated and the corolla is funnel-shaped. The corolla has 5 protrusions on the edge and 5 filaments extending. After flowering, the capsule is spherical with sharp spines, and when ripe, it splits and scatters the seeds inside.
The origin of “Datura metel”, a close relative of Pricklyburr, is unknown. It was brought to Japan for medicinal purposes during the Edo period, and the physician Hanaoka Seishu used it as a raw material for anesthetics, along with Aconitum and Angelica acutiloba. “Datura wrightii” is native to North America. The flowers bloom gracefully and have a faint violet edge.
Pricklyburr contains the toxic alkaloids “atropine”, “scopolamine” and “hyoscyamine”. Symptoms of ingestion include impaired consciousness, eccentric behavior, amnesia, hyperthermia, tachycardia, and dilated pupils. On the other hand, in the Aztec civilization of North America, it was once used as a painkiller for wounds and as a hallucinogen for rites of passage.