The origin of the name of Kousa dogwood is the monk soldier of Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, which was once called “Yamaboshi: Mountain monk”. This is because the round collective flowers look like a monk head, and the white total bracts look like a headband.
【英名】Kousa Dogwood
【学名】Cornus kousa
【誕生】05/ 21, 06/ 15
【開花】05, 06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Yellow
Kousa Dogwood
Kousa dogwood is a deciduous tree of the Cornaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from the southern part of the northeastern region of Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa, and overseas, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula and China. It grows naturally in moist places such as in mountain forests and forest edges, and is planted in parks, gardens, and streets. Strong against the cold, the northern limit of planting is around Sapporo City, Hokkaido. The flower language is “friendship.”
The origin of the name of Kousa dogwood is the monk soldier of Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, which was once called “Yamaboshi: Mountain monk”. This is because the round flower in the middle looks like a monk head, and the four white pieces of bracts look like a headband. The Latin genus name Cornus means “horn”. Because the material is hard. The species name Kousa used to be called “Kusa” in Hakone.
The flowers of Kousa dogwood bloom at the tip of the branch. Since there are many flowers, the weight of the flowers makes them hang down when they are in full bloom. What looks like petals is not the petals, but the white total bracts derived from the leaves. The pale yellow-green sphere in the middle is a collection of small flowers with four petals, one female stamen and four male stamens. Each flower is polluted and becomes a collective fruit.
When the flowers of Kousa dogwood are finished, the round collective flowers become round collective fruits. It ripens red in autumn and contains 8 milky white seeds. The flesh is soft and sweet, and can be eaten as it is and processed into fruit liquor. Because it resembles a mulberry fruit, Kousa dogwood has an alias called “Yamaguwa: mountain mulberry” and a local name such as “Warabe Nakase: Children’s crying”.
Related species of Kousa dogwood include “hongkongensis”, whose leaves do not fall even in winter, and “rosea”, whose flowers are pale red. Improved varieties include “Milky Way,” which has good flowers and strong leaves, “Genpei,” which has red flowers, “Kinyou,” which has yellow flowers, “Wolf Eye,” which has spots on the leaves, and “Big Apple,” which grows larger. ..
“Cornus florida”, which resembles Kousa dogwood, is a distant relative. Kousa dogwood has flowers after the leaves come out, the tips of the total bracts are sharp, and the bark is bright and smooth. The fruits are soft and sweet and can be eaten. On the other hand, Cornus florida has flowers before the leaves come out, the tips of the total bracts are dented, and the bark is dark and rugged. The fruit is hard and toxic, so can not be eaten.