Clematis flowers are durable and long-lasting because they are not petals but scallops. In Japan, it is an old-fashioned flower used for tea ceremony, but in Europe, it is a gorgeous flower that is indispensable for gardens.
【仮名】クレマチス, テッセン, カザグルマ
【和名】鉄線, 風車
【誕生】05/ 03, 05/ 09, 07/ 01, 07/ 02, 09/ 12, 10/ 22
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange

Clematis is a perennial herb of the Ranunculaceae family. Of the 300 original species from all over the world, China’s “florida” and Japan’s “patens” have been improved in Europe and increased to 2000 species. The name of the flower is Latin, which means “rolling vine”. In Japan, it is an old-fashioned flower used for tea ceremony, but in Europe, it is a gorgeous flower that is indispensable for gardens.
Clematis “florida” came from China to Japan in the 16th century. There are 6 flower pieces. The name comes from the thin and durable vines that look like wires. Small white flowers bloom on the nodes of the vine. The Latin species name Florida means “flowers stand out”. It was introduced to Europe in the 19th century by the German doctor Siebold.
Clematis “patens” is a native species of Japan. There are 8 flower pieces. The origin of the name is that the shape of the flower is like a pinwheel. The flowers are large, white or pale purple, and bloom upwards. The Latin species name Patence means “spread”. It was introduced to Europe in the 19th century by Siebold and the British botanist Fortune.
The rough strains of Clematis are “Montana” and “Patens”, which leave the vines and bloom in the old vines, and “Viticera” and “Jackmany”, which allow the vines to wither and overwinter and bloom in the newly grown vines, “Florida” and “Ranuginosa” that bloom both old and new vines.
Clematis flowers look like petals, but they are not petals but scallops, so they are durable and long-lasting. There are various types from single bloom to double bloom, multi-bloom, tulip bloom, and bell-shaped. The fruit is a collection of fluffy seeds. The seeds ride in the wind and fly far away. The flower language is “spiritual beauty,” “traveler’s joy,” and “strategy.”