Sweet Pepperbush leaves are fresh green in summer and turn bright golden in fall. They are heat and cold tolerant, and start flowering when they are young trees, with refreshing blooms in midsummer.
【英名】Sweet Pepperbush, Pepperbush, Summersweet
【学名】Clethra alnifolia
【誕生】07/ ??
【開花】07, 08月
【花色】White, Pink
Sweet Pepperbush
Sweet Pepperbush is a deciduous shrub of the Clethraceae family. They are native to the eastern part of the North American continent, from Nova Scotia in Canada to Maine, Florida, and Texas in the United States, and grows naturally in plain wetlands and near streams. Resistant to heat and cold, they begin to flower from young trees and bloom refreshingly in midsummer.
Sweet Pepperbush is a shrub in the plains, but Japanese Clethra is a tall tree in the fields and mountains. The origin of the Japanese name “government ordinance” comes from the fact that the leaves were steamed and dried in times of famine, so they were planted by a government order in the past. The English name means “sweet pepper tree”. This is because the appearance of flowers resembles that of a pepper tree, and the flowers are sweetly scented.
The leaves of Sweet Pepperbush are fresh green in summer and bright golden in autumn. They have an oval shape with serrated edges. The flowers are shaped like short spikes and have a modest fragrance. They are planted in natural gardens and along watersides so as not to look inferior because of its slow budding and the late development of leaves and flowers.
There are two types of Sweet Pepperbush with white and pink flowers. The white color is “Hummingbird” with a small tree, the even smaller “Sixteen Candle”, the late flowering “September Beauty”, the pink color is “Rosea” with pale flowers, the dark “Ruby Spice”, and the “Pink Spire” with long spikes.