Cornflower was a weed in a wheat field in Europe, but its beautiful blue-purple flowers have symbolized nobility since ancient times. It was used as an amulet and medicinal herb in ancient Egypt.
【学名】Centaurea cyanus
【誕生】03/ 01, 03/ 05, 04/ 11, 04/ 26, 05/ 11
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue
Cornflower is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family. The original species has a bluish-purple flower color, a single flower volume, and a plant height of about 1 m. It has been modified for horticulture to produce white, pink, red, black, multicolored, double-flowered and dwarf. The foliage is covered with hair and is whitish, the flowers are radial tubular flowers, and the seeds are achene. The flower language is “elegance” and “delicate”.
The English name cornflower of cornflower means “wheat flower”. In Europe, the place of origin, it was a weed that blooms in wheat fields. It has come to be planted in flower beds by breeding. There are few pests and the growth is strong. However, it is still a violent weed that loses wheat yield when it spreads in the fields.
The origin of the Japanese name for cornflowers is that the flowers resemble “Yaguruma”. Yaguruma is a shaft with arrow blades attached radially to receive the wind and rotate. The flowers bloom around the time of the Dragon Boat Festival, when the Koinobori that turns the arrow wheel swims. They came to Japan in the Meiji era. “Yagurumasou”, which is often mistaken, belongs to the family Saxifragaceae.
The genus Centaurea of the cornflower is derived from the Greek mythology’s half-human half-beast “Centaur”. When the Centaur was injured, the sage of the clan “Chiron” healed the wound with this flower. Used as a talisman and medicinal herb in ancient Egypt. It is an herb that is thought to have tonic and anti-inflammatory effects.
The species name of cornflower, Cyanus, is derived from the flower color of the original species. The beautiful bluish purple has been a symbol of nobility since ancient times. For example, the color of the finest sapphire is called “cornflower blue”. Flowers were also placed on King Tutankhamun’s casket and used in the patterns of tableware created by Marie Antoinette.