Flowering dogwood has four large bracts that look like petals, with small flowers densely packed in the middle and four petals. Red fruits have a strong astringency and cannot be eaten.
【仮名】ハナミズキ, アメリカヤマボウシ
【和名】花水木, 亜米利加山法師
【英名】Flowering Dogwood
【学名】Cornus florida
【誕生】03/ 18, 04/ 23, 05/ 02, 05/ 04, 05/ 09
【開花】04, 05月
【花色】White, Pink

Flowering Dogwood
Flowering dogwood is a deciduous tree of the dogwood family. It originates in North America and grows naturally from the east coast to the Mississippi River. In parks, roadside trees, garden trees, etc., the tree shape is trimmed by pruning so that the trees do not grow too high. The most familiar flowering tree in the United States, like Sakura in Japan. Although it grows slowly, the wood is hard and straight.
Flowering dogwood has a short history in Japan since the beginning of the 20th century. Tokyo city, the capital of Japan, gave a sapling of cherry blossoms to the special district of Columbia, the capital of the United States, and in return, a sapling of Flowering dogwood was given. Nowadays, there are famous cherry blossom spots all over the United States, and Flowering dogwood is planted all over Japan.
The origin of the Flowering dogwood name is that the tree resembles “Mizuki” that grows naturally in Japan, but the flowers are larger and more gorgeous than Mizuki. The other name, American Yamaboshi, is similar to the “Yamaboshi” that grows naturally in Japan, even though it was brought from the United States. Yamaboshi blooms about two months later.
The Flowering dogwood have four large bracts that look like petals, and small flowers are densely packed in the middle, with four petals. The fruits are red egg-shaped and are not toxic but have a strong astringency and cannot be eaten. The leaves are opposite oval and open after flowering, with autumn leaves and fallen leaves in winter. The tree has fine and deep cracks in the gray bark.
There is an anecdote that Flowering dogwood was used for the material when Jesus of Nazareth was crucifixed. It has 4 bracts and is shaped like a cross. There is also a dent that looks like it was damaged by a nail stuck in the tip. However, Jerusalem at that time was far from its own fabric, and it was impossible to procure materials. It seems to be an anecdote that spread in the 20th century.
The Flowering dogwood’s flower language is “permanence” and “gorgeous love” because it grows slowly and blooms beautiful flowers. Also, at the end of the Meiji era, cherry blossom saplings and dogwood saplings were presented to each other as symbols of peace and goodwill in Tokyo City and the District of Columbia, so the flower language is “return” and “accept my thoughts.”