ベニバナ / Safflower

ベニバナ / Safflower Backyard
ベニバナ / Safflower


Safflower has long been a familiar flower for Japanese people, appearing as a symbol of love in Japan’s oldest collection of poems, “Manyoshu,” and becoming the nickname of a character in Japan’s oldest novel, “The Tale of Genji”.

【仮名】ベニバナ, スエツムハナ
【和名】紅花, 末摘花
【学名】Carthamus tinctorius
【誕生】06/ 11
【開花】05, 06, 07月
【花色】Red, Yellow, Orange

Carthamus tinctorius - flowers
Carthamus tinctorius – flowers
Carthamus tinctorius - yellow flower
Carthamus tinctorius – yellow flower
Carthamus tinctorius - orange flower
Carthamus tinctorius – orange flower
Carthamus tinctorius - red flower
Carthamus tinctorius – red flower















Safflower is an annual or biennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Originating in Ethiopia in East Africa, it was brought to Japan around the 6th century via the Middle East, Central Asia, China, and the Korean Peninsula. Safflower has long been a familiar flower for Japanese people, appearing as a symbol of love in Japan’s oldest collection of poems, “Manyoshu,” and becoming the nickname of a character in Japan’s oldest novel, “The Tale of Genji.”

The Japanese name of Safflower means red flower because the flowers were used as a red dye. It is also known as “a flower that blooms at the end of a stem and is picked”. The Latin genus name Carthamus is derived from the Arabic word “to dye”, and the species name Tinctorius also means “for dyeing”.

Safflower stems stand upright in the lower part and branch vigorously in the upper part. The leaves are alternate, broad-lanceolate, leathery, and sharply pointed at the tips and margins. The flower resembles that of Cirsium, and blooms at the tip of a stem with numerous tubular flowers that change color from yellow to orange to red over time. After flowering, it produces long spherical achenes containing pappus seeds.

Safflower is used for dyeing. After drying the picked flowers in the sun, soak them in water overnight. The yellow color that dissolves easily in water oozes out, and the red color that does not dissolve in water remains. This drying and water soaking are repeated to concentrate the red dough. If you add “lye” to this red dough, your clothes will be dyed orange, and if you add “Ubai”, it will be dyed red.

Safflower seeds are oily. At first, it was highly rated because “abundant essential fatty acids lower cholesterol levels”, but later it was rated low because “easy-to-oxidize polyunsaturated fatty acids promote arteriosclerosis”. Today, due to selective breeding, the mainstream variety is rich in oleic acid and low in linoleic acid.

The flower of Safflower becomes the herbal medicine. It has the effect of improving blood circulation, and is used in various herbal medicines in addition to gynecological diseases such as postpartum disorders and menopausal disorders. The flowers are used for alcoholic beverages, moxibustion, and to add color to soups and salads, the young leaves are boiled, the seeds are roasted and served as snacks.
