Multiflora Rose flower has 5 white petals. It blooms one after another at the tip of the branch and emits a fragrance. After flowering, the calyx tube enlarges and forms a false fruit. Ripe red and sweetly fragrant.
【仮名】ノイバラ, ノバラ
【和名】野茨, 野薔薇
【英名】Multiflora Rose, Japanese Rose
【学名】Rosa multiflora
【誕生】04/ 28, 05/ 30
【開花】04, 05, 06月

Multiflora Rose
Multiflora Rose is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and outside of Japan, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula and China. Japanese name means that a shrub with thorns grows wild in ordinary fields. The Latin genus name Rosa means “rose” and the species name multiflora means “many flowers”.
The branches of Multiflora Rose are vines and branch profusely. It has sharp thorns and climbs up while entwining itself on tall trees. The leaves are wing-shaped and alternate. The leaflets are elliptical with sharp serrated edges. The flowers have five white petals. It blooms at the tip of the branches and emits a fragrance. After flowering, the calyx tube enlarges and forms a false fruit. Ripe red and sweetly fragrant.
The false fruit of Multiflora Rose contains flavonoid glycosides such as multiflorin and quercetin. It was dried in the sun before it reached full maturity and was used as a herbal medicine to relieve constipation and diuretic. In folk medicine, it is used as an external medicine for boils and acne. The flowers were used for stomachic and hemostasis, and the roots were used for diarrhea and bloody stools.
A close relative of Multiflora Rose, “Rosa luciae” has similarly fragrant white five-petaled flowers blooming at the tips of its branches, and the false fruits ripen to a red color. The surface of the leaves is glossy, and the vines grow like crawling on the ground. Although flowering is about a month late and flowers are few, the corolla is one size larger.
Because it is a common miscellaneous tree, it was never cultivated, but it has been used as a rootstock for cultivated species before, taking advantage of its cold resistance and multi-flowered properties. In addition, it is also used as an original seed for crossbreeding, giving the cultivated species the ability to bloom in clusters. Today, it is appreciated for its taste and is planted in gardens.