Red Pepper flowers bloom downward like a bell. The fruit is elongated and tubular with a pointed tip. It ripens upward, and the skin changes from green to red.
【仮名】トウガラシ, バンショウ
【和名】唐辛子, 蕃椒
【英名】Red Pepper, Chile Pepper
【学名】Capsicum annuum
【誕生】08/ 22, 10/ 12
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10月




Red Pepper

Red Pepper is a fruit vegetable in the Solanaceae family. It is a perennial plant in the tropics and an annual plant in temperate regions. It was first cultivated in Mexico in North America 8,500 years ago, and its cultivation spread to Central and South America 2,000 years ago. It was introduced to Europe by the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus in the 15th century. Then, missionaries introduced it to Japan in the 16th century. In this way, it spread throughout the world.
The Japanese name for Red Pepper means “foreign-origin, pungent fruit.” The English name comes from the fact that Columbus, who brought it back to Europe from the New World, mistook it for “pepper.” The Latin genus name Capsicum means “bag” and is derived from the shape of the fruit. The specific name annuum means “annual.”
The stems of Red Pepper are well branched and woody from the bottom. The leaves are alternate, long-stalked, and egg-lanceolate. The flowers are white, with 5-7 lobes in the perianth, 5-7 stamens, and protruding pistils. They bloom downward like a bell. The fruit after flowering is elongated and tubular with a pointed tip. It ripens facing upward, and the skin changes from green to red.
The spicy component of Red Pepper, capsaicin, causes inflammation when it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, but it also improves blood circulation, warms the body, promotes saliva secretion to aid digestion and absorption, and stimulates the central nervous system to increase metabolism. In addition to being used as a vegetable and spice, it is also used as a herbal medicine to treat neuralgia and loss of appetite.