Ornamental Pepper have a variety of fruit shapes such as spherical, egg-shaped, drop-shaped, and spheroidal, and the color of the fruit changes depending on the degree of maturity. It is used for flower beds and group planting due to its low plant height.
【仮名】ゴシキトウガラシ, ハナトウガラシ, カンショウヨウトウガラシ
【和名】五色唐辛子, 花唐辛子, 観賞用唐辛子
【英名】Ornamental Pepper
【学名】Capsicum annuum var. conoides
【誕生】10/ 12
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Red, Purple, Green, Yellow, Orange

Ornamental Pepper
Ornamental Pepper is an annual herb belonging to the Solanaceae family. The genus Capsicum is native to tropical South America, and about 20 original species are distributed. Edible varieties have been cultivated for over 2000 years. When Columbus brought them back to Spain, they were misidentified as “pepper”, so the English name was fixed as “pepper”.
The origin of the Japanese name colorful pepper is because they are the pepper with a variety of fruit colors. That means “pepper that came from Tang”, but this Tang is not China but “foreign country”. In fact, they came to Japan from Portugal in the 16th century. The Latin genus name Capsicum means “bag” and the species name Annum means “annual”.
The leaves of Ornamental Pepper are lanceolate and alternate. Not only green, but also purple and variegated. Many flowers bloom, but they are white, small and plain. On the other hand, the fruit has a long ornamental period, and the shape of the fruit varies from spherical, oval, drop-shaped, and spheroidal. Because the plant height is low, they are used for flower beds and group planting.
Ornamental Pepper “Black Pearl” leaves are dark purple, and the fruit changes from black to red. “Hot Pops Purple” turns the fruit from purple to orange. “Purple Flash” has purple fruit and leaves that change from white to dark purple. All of them are breeds bred for ornamental purposes, so they are not suitable for eating.