ツバキ / Camellia

ツバキ / Camellia Backyard
ツバキ / Camellia


Camellia came to be widely cultivated in the Edo period, and the varieties diversified from wild single-flowered varieties to double-flowered cultivars. In Europe, it was called “Rose of Japan”.

【仮名】ツバキ, ヤブツバキ
【和名】椿, 藪椿
【英名】Camellia, Common Camellia
【学名】Camellia japonica
【誕生】02/ 03, 02/ 04, 12/ 10
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 09, 10, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red

Camellia - Singled Pink
Camellia – Singled Pink
Camellia - Singled Red
Camellia – Singled Red
Camellia - Doubled White
Camellia – Doubled White
Camellia - Doubled Pink
Camellia – Doubled Pink
Camellia - Frilled White
Camellia – Frilled White
Camellia - Frilled Pink
Camellia – Frilled Pink













Camellia is an evergreen tree belonging to Theaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and overseas, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula, China, and Taiwan. Cultivation as a tea flower spread during the Edo period, and the varieties diversified from the single-flowered wild “Yabu-tsubaki” to the double-flowered garden variety “Otome-tsubaki”. In Europe, it was called “Rose of Japan”.

In the past, the Japanese name of Camellia had various meanings associated with the leaves. Glossy-leaved trees, thick-leaved trees, and hardy-leaved trees. The leaves are alternate, elliptical with pointed tips and finely toothed margins. The Latin genus name comes from the 18th-century missionary Georg Joseph Kamel, who brought the seeds back to Europe.

A camellia flower has five tepals. Filaments grow densely around the style. When the flower blooms, it does not fully open like sasanqua or tea trees, and the corolla remains cylindrical. When the flower scatters, the petals and filaments are fused together, so the whole flower falls off. The bottom of the flower tube is full of nectar. It attracts bulbuls and white-eyes for pollination.

Camellia forms a capsule that splits into three when ripe. Camellia oil is obtained from the dark brown seeds. Camellia oil contains oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, camelin, camellia saponin, etc., and has been used for cooking, hair styling, and hair growth since ancient times. Washing your hair with camellia oil removed dirt and was said to be good for eczema and rashes on the scalp.

A close relative of camellia, “Sasanqua” blooms early, “Haru-sasanqua” blooms late, and “Natsu-tsubaki” blooms in summer. “Kan-tsubaki” is a hybrid of Camellia and Sasanqua. “Yuki-tsubaki” is distributed in the Japan Sea side of central and northern Honshu, and “Yakushima-tsubaki” is distributed in the Nansei Islands. “Wabisuke” used in the tea ceremony has a lovely single flower. “Tea tree” has white flowers, and “Golden flower tea” has yellow flowers.
