The name of Bottlebrush comes from the fact that the shape of the flower resembles a brush that washes a bottle. The flowers are beautiful and rare, and you can enjoy them as garden trees, cut flowers and branches.
【仮名】ブラシノキ, カリステモン, ハナマキ, キンポウジュ
【和名】ブラシの木, 花槇, 金宝樹
【学名】Callistemon speciosus
【誕生】05/ 19
【開花】05, 06月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple
Bottlebrush is an evergreen tree of the family Myrtaceae. The place of origin is Australia. It was introduced to Japan in the middle of the Meiji era. As the other name “Kimpoju”, the flowers are beautiful and rare, and you can enjoy them as garden trees, cut flowers and branches. However, they are not good at cold, so they prefer a place that is sunny and out of the wind.
The name of Bottlebrush comes from the fact that the shape of the flower resembles a brush that washes a bottle. The English name is also “bottle brush”. It looks like a brush because the stamens are densely formed in a tubular shape. The Latin genus Callistemon also means “beautiful sword”. Another name “Hanamaki” is because the leaves are similar to “Rakanmaki” and “Inumaki”.
The flower ears of the Bottlebrush reach the tip of the elongated branch and bloom like weeping. The flowers have many flashy red stalks and five plain green flower pieces. When the flowers are finished, they make small bowl-shaped fruits. Just like an octopus sucker that wraps around a branch. The following year, a branch grows ahead of it, and a new flower spike arrives and weeps.
The fruits of the Bottlebrush become woody and stay on the branches for many years. The fruits are full of tiny seeds. The fruits pop in extreme droughts and forest fires, and the seeds are scattered in the wind. While there are still few other plants, they sprout quickly and occupy the area. It is a breeding strategy adapted to the environment where there are many droughts and fires.
Of the 34 species of the genus Brush, the following 4 are the main ornamental species. “Speciosus”, which blooms in May, is cold-resistant and suitable for garden planting. On the other hand, the flowers that bloom from spring to autumn are “Citrinus”, which has abundant flower colors from pink to purple, “Salignus”, which has greenish ears, and “Viminalis”, which has hanging branches.