Early amethyst is similar to beautyberry, but it is smaller overall and has only the upper half of the leaves, which grows closer to you.
【仮名】コムラサキ, コシキブ, コムラサキシキブ
【和名】小紫, 小式部, 小紫式部
【英名】Early Amethyst, Japanese Beautyberry
【学名】Callicarpa dichotoma
【誕生】10/ 17
【開花】06, 07月
Early Amethyst
Early Amethyst is a deciduous shrub of the genus Beautyberry of the Labiatae family. It grows widely in various parts of Japan south of Aomori Prefecture, the Korean Peninsula, and China. The scientific name Callicarpa is the Greek word for “beautiful fruit.” It is a purple fruit.
Early amethyst is often mistaken for beautyberry. Both are named after Murasaki Shikibu of The Tale of Genji. Early Amethyst is shorter than Murasakikibu and is smaller overall. That’s why it’s early amethyst.
Early amethyst and beautyberry are very similar, but the difference is the shape of the leaves. In both cases, the edges of the leaves are serrated, but in early amethyst, only the upper half of the leaves is jagged, and in Murasakikibu, the entire circumference of the leaves is jagged.
Early amethyst grows mainly on flat land, and beautyberry grows on mountainous areas. And early amethyst is better than Murasakikibu. In other words, if you see it in a familiar place, it’s usually early amethyst.