Ornamental Cabbage is an ornamental version of “Kale” in Japan, which has long been eaten in Europe. Beautiful leaves like flowers color the flower bed in winter when there are few flowers.
【英名】Ornamental Cabbage, Ornamental Kale, Flowering Kale
【学名】Brassica oleracea var. acephala f. tricolor
【誕生】01/ 05, 11/ 27, 12/ 04, 12/ 30
【開花】01, 02, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple

Ornamental Cabbage
Ornamental Cabbage is a perennial herb of the Brassicaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean coast of Europe. The progenitor is “Kale”, which contains many functional ingredients such as vitamins and has been used for food since ancient times. It was introduced to Japan in the 17th century, cultivated for ornamental purposes, and improved in various places. Beautiful leaves like flowers color the flower bed in winter when there are few flowers.
The Japanese name of Ornamental Cabbage means the many-folded leaves that look like peony flowers. The Latin botanical name is long, it is “Brassica oleracea var. acephala f. tricolor Hort.” To put it simply, it is “The edible kale of the cabbage family that has been improved for ornamental purposes.”
While Ornamental Cabbage is resistant to cold, the leaves do not change color in areas with high temperatures or indoors. The mechanism of coloring is that the outer leaves first develop green, but by the time the inner leaves develop, they are exposed to low temperatures and do not develop green. The inner leaves remain white or develop an anthocyanin reddish-purple color.
In the spring, Ornamental Cabbage raises its flower stalk, and yellow Rapeseed-like flowers bloom at the tips. Those flowers are easy to hybridize, and if closely related species are planted nearby, they produce seeds that do not inherit traits from the parent. As time goes on, the stem grows upward and becomes thick, and leaves are piled up at the tip to become “Dancing Ornamental Cabbage”.
The main strains of Ornamental Cabbage were created, the “Tokyo round leaves” with entire leaves in the Edo period, the Nagoya “Curly leaves” with serrated leaves in the Meiji period, and the “Osaka round leaves” with wavy leaves after World War. In addition, there are some that have notched leaves, some that are glossy, and some that grow taller.