Snapdragon is similar to a goldfish swimming with its fluttering and tail fins. “Lip-shaped flower” whose petals are divided into upper and lower parts. There is a nectary in the back of the flower tube.
【学名】Antirrhinum majus
【誕生】01/ 16, 01/ 21, 04/ 15, 07/ 02
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow, Orange

Snapdragon is a plantain family. It originates on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and its stems may become woody due to perennials. They came to Japan at the end of the Edo period. It is an annual plant because it is difficult to go through the hot and humid summer. The species name means “May” in Latin, which is the original flowering time. It is now improved and bloom all year round.
The name of snapdragon comes from the shape of the flower. The Japanese name resembles a goldfish swimming with its fluttering and tail fins. It’s a cute description in Japan, but for some reason it’s a strict description in Europe. The English name means “biting dragon”. Because the flowers resemble the face of a dragon. The French name means “wolf’s mouth”.
The flower shape of snapdragon is a “lip-shaped flower” whose petals are divided into upper and lower parts. When a flower-visiting insect perches on a flower, its normally closed lips open with weight. Then, it is guided from between the upper lip and the lower lip to the nectary in the back of the flower tube. Stamens and pistils extend to the ceiling of the flower tube, and the back of the insect touches it to send and receive pollen.
Snapdragon has been bred in Europe for a long time. Tall one have high plant height and gorgeous flowers, so they are suitable for cut flowers. Short one have a low plant height and cute flowers, so they are suitable for flower beds and group planting. The intermediate one is a standard type that has both characteristics. There are various ways of blooming, from single-flowered to double-flowered to penstemon.