The hollyhocks begin to bloom just around the beginning of the rainy season and end at the end of the rainy season. Originally spread all over the world as a medicinal herb.
【学名】Althaea rosea
【誕生】06/ 15, 06/ 18, 06/ 23, 08/ 18
【開花】06, 07, 08月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple
Hollyhocks are perennials of the Malvaceae family. The flowers range from single-flowered to double-flowered, with a variety of colors such as white, pink, red, and purple.
The flower language of hollyhocks is “ambition,” “ambition,” and “rich fruit.” This is because from June to August, flowers bloom from bottom to top on the vertically extending flower stalks and bear many fruits.
The hollyhocks begin to bloom just around the beginning of the rainy season, and finish blooming around the end of the rainy season. In other words, when the bottom flower of the flower stalk blooms, the rainy season begins, and when the top flower blooms, the rainy season ends. Therefore, it is also called Tsuyuaoi (rainy season Aoi).
Hollyhocks are grasses, but there are two types of trees that have similar flowers. Both are deciduous trees of the genus Confederate rose in the Malvaceae family. One is the common hibiscus, which begins to bloom next to the hollyhocks, and its leaves are egg-shaped. The other is Confederate rose, which begins to bloom next to Mukuge, and has pentagonal leaves.
The hollyhocks came to Japan for a long time, and petals and roots were used for medicine. The genus name Alteaa is also derived from the old Latin word meaning treatment, and its effects include fatigue recovery and diuretic action. It is surprising that it was originally spread all over the world as a medicinal herb.