アリアケカズラ / Allamanda

アリアケカズラ / Allamanda Backyard
アリアケカズラ / Allamanda


The Japanese name of Allamanda means “vine of dawn when the moon still remains”, but its origin is unclear. The round, bright yellow flowers may have been likened to the full moon or lights at dawn.

【仮名】アリアケカズラ, アラマンダ
【英名】Allamanda, Common Trumpetvine, Golden Trumpet, Yellow Allamanda
【学名】Allamanda cathartica
【誕生】08/ 13
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】Pink, Yellow

Allamanda cathartica - flower from the front
Allamanda cathartica – flower from the front
Allamanda cathartica - flower and buds from an angle
Allamanda cathartica – flower and buds from an angle
Allamanda cathartica - a side view of the flower starting to bloom
Allamanda cathartica – a side view of the flower starting to bloom
Allamanda cathartica - buds and flowers
Allamanda cathartica – buds and flowers











Allamanda is an evergreen shrub in the Apocynaceae family. It originates from Brazil and has spread all over the world. In temperate regions like Japan, it is a climbing plant. When the vines are damaged, a toxic white milky fluid oozes out, which can cause diarrhea if accidentally ingested. However, the leaves were once used as a laxative in folk medicine.

The Japanese name of Allamanda means “vine of dawn when the moon still remains”, but its origin is unclear. The round, bright yellow flowers may have been likened to the full moon or lights at dawn. The Latin genus name Allamanda is a tribute to the Swiss botanist Frederic Louis Allamand. The species name cathartica means “to purify.”

Allamanda leaves are oblong and opposite or whorled. The flowers are funnel-shaped and 5-lobed. Although there are five stamens, they are short and hidden in the back along with the pistils. After flowering, a capsule is formed. Garden varieties include the large-flowered “Hendersonii” and “Grandiflora” and the double-flowered “Stansill’s Double.”

Allamanda’s closely related species, “schottii”, has a similar appearance but is native to South Africa. The leaves are oblong with a pointed tip and grow in whorls. The flowers bloom in spring and are slightly smaller, and the capsules are spherical with spines. On the other hand, the closely related species “violacea” has bright pink flowers even though it originates from Brazil.
