Tama Ajisai grows in clusters in the shade of trees along river valleys. It has ball-like buds that swell at the tips of its branches, and blooms in modest but brilliant flowers from summer to autumn.
【英名】Tama Ajisai
【学名】Hydrangea involucrata
【誕生】08/ 02
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Purple, Violet

Tama Ajisai
Tama Ajisai is a deciduous shrub of the family Hydrangeaceae. In Japan, it is distributed in the Tohoku to Chubu regions of Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, the Izu Islands, and the Tokara Islands. Also known as “Hydrangea of the stream” in Japanese, it grows in clusters in the shade of trees along valley rivers. It has ball-like buds that swell out in a round shape, and blooms in modest yet brilliant flowers from summer to autumn.
The Japanese name of Tama Ajisai means “ball-like Hydrangea” because the buds are round and swollen. It does not have an English name because its native area is limited to East Asia. The Latin genus name Hydrangea means “water vessel” because the flowers bloom during the rainy season, and the species name involucrata means “involucre” because of the structure of the buds.
Tama Ajisai has short hairs on its branches and leaves. The branches grow in clusters, and as the tree ages, the gray-brown bark thinly peels off. The leaves are opposite, oblong with a pointed tip, and have jagged edges, and the top and bottom of the leaves are rough. This leaf was used in place of leaf tobacco in the old days, and was also called “mountain tobacco”. At the tips of the branches, spherical buds wrapped in involucres enlarge.
Tama Ajisai produces two types of flowers when the buds open. The bisexual flowers in the middle are small, reddish-purple to bluish-purple, and have 5 petals, 10 stamens, and the tip of the pistil is two-lobed. After flowering, it forms a round capsule, and a stalk like a demon’s horn remains without falling off. The surrounding decorative flowers are large, white, and have 3 to 5 petals. Open it sideways.