Japanese name of Corn Cockle means “Wheat Campion” and “Wheat Dianthus”, but “Agrostemma” is more common in Japanese horticulture. The flexible flower stalks sway in the refreshing summer breeze.
【仮名】ムギセンノウ, ムギナデシコ, アグロステンマ
【和名】麦仙翁, 麦撫子
【英名】Corn Cockle, Agrostemma
【学名】Agrostemma githago
【誕生】04/ 04, 07/ 03
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple
Corn Cockle
Corn Cockle is an annual plant of the caryophyllaceae family. Originating in Europe, it spread all over the world as a weed of wheat cultivation, and was introduced to Japan in the Meiji era. The seeds contain toxic saponins, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea if mixed with harvested wheat. On the other hand, the flexible flower stalks sway in the refreshing summer breeze.
Japanese name of Corn Cockle means “Wheat Campion”, because it is a wheat field weed with leaves resembling “wheat” and flowers resembling “Campion” of the Caryophyllaceae family. It is also called “Wheat Dianthus” in Japan. But “Agrostemma” is more common in Japanese horticulture. This is the Latin genus name, meaning “corolla of the field”. On the other hand, the origin of the species name Githago is unknown.
The stalks of Corn Cockle stand straight and branch at the top. The leaves are long and linear and alternate. The calyx is hard, elongated and cylindrical, and 5-lobed. Stems, leaves and sepals are densely hairy. The flowers have 5 petals overlapping each other. Light pink in the middle and dark pink around the edges, with vertical streaks. After flowering, it forms a capsule, splits when ripe, and scatters black seeds.
The cultivar of Corn Cockle “Cherry Shell” has light pink flowers, “Ocean Pearl” has white flowers, and “Purple Queen” has purple flowers. If you plant a combination of flower colors, including the original species with pink flowers, you can brighten up your summer garden. On the other hand, it is a harmful weed that is difficult to eradicate once it spreads over wheat fields. It is a flower with praise and censure.